Friday, July 13, 2012

Promoting a Business Through Blogs - Is It a Good Idea?

No matter whether your business is based on ground (offline) or online, whether it's big or small - if you manufacture your own products or just sell your services; you're going to need advertising in order to let the people know more about it and its benefits.

There are plenty of ways to advertise a business and the services offered such as: Newspapers, Pamphlets, TV ads, Internet ads, Social Media Marketing and even blogging. You may be familiar with all of them. But, is blogging as a business strategy a good idea?

When it comes to blogging for a business, you're not going to be posting about your likes and dislikes; rather you would need to have a blog that speaks of problems and solutions that people face that are relevant to your niche. Also, you could set up a blog that only speaks about the services and products that you offer. From the above two methods - Definitely the best option would be to focus on problems that people face.

Benefits of having a business blog

There are plenty of benefits of hosting a business blog, let's take a look at a few of them.

Niche Focusing

Most businesses don't focus on just one niche, rather they diversify. In such cases having a blog set up for each niche would be a really good idea as this way people interested in what you offer would not have to hunt through stuff they were never interested in.

Also, you would gain more customers via the search engines. The quality and amount of traffic would be higher if your blog is focused on a single niche as the algorithms of search engines would be able to ascertain the subject of your blog.


You could use your blog to gain revenue as well. Very often business focus on a sub niche and in such cases, people would need various other products and services in order to get a complete offer. Let's say you manufacture Irons, then people would also be looking to buy Ironing boards right? By advertising Ironing boards you could gain some extra income through affiliate sales.

Customer Forums

When you set up a business blog, you should also try to set up a customer forum wherein your customers can socialize and ask each other questions. This way, if they don't believe what you say, they'd at least trust the views of other customers.

This news article is brought to you by GIFTS - where latest news are our top priority.

Dream Big, Start Small! The Steps to Blogging Success!

I'm guessing that you are here reading this because you finally decided that some aspects of your life (financially) had to change? Well if you want to create that change through blogging and building sites, then you are in the right place!

What I am about to share with you is a simple success system that has stood the test of time, and has literally been the springboard for success for millions of people all around the globe, in every walk of life.

Here is some good news for you, no matter how successful someone may come across in today's world, nearly 99% of them started off with nothing. That's right, nothing. Many successful people failed over and over again until they were able to create and harness a system of success that worked for them and it can work for you too.

The iron law of success is the law of cause and effect. It goes like this:

"For every action you do, there will always be an equal and opposite reaction. Do something good and get something good. Do something bad, get something bad"

What this means is that the more effort you put into creating something good, the more good you will get out of it. Lots of body builders practically live their lives with this simple rule, and it is in my opinion one of the best rules out there because it is so powerful, and can apply to anything. Here is the rule

"Put in an average effort and get average results. Put in maximum effort, and get maximum results"

Success is in no way an accident. No one has ever stumbled onto being financially independent, and no one has ever gotten "lucky" with success. It all starts with a simple dream of having more than they have now.

The fact is that 99% of self made successes were average people with average educations. They grew up in average neighborhoods, drove average cars and lived in average houses. The only thing that wasn't so average was the desire to become something great, and the crystallization of that desire begun with having a simple dream.

Dream Big Dreams

When you undertake any business venture or journey in your life in hopes becoming successful and financially independent, you must have a reason as to why you are pursuing that goal. Having a reason and thinking about the "Whys" as opposed to the "What ifs" is in fact so powerful, that people go to extraordinary lengths to work hard for the things they believe in.

As human beings, we tend to move in the direction of the things we think about most, that is why, your thoughts should be the things you aspire towards the most, NOT NEGATIVITY!

The very act of allowing yourself to have HUGE dreams raises your level of self respect, and you begin to become more much more motivated and productive on a day to day basis.

Dreams are truly a magical thing and if you don't have a dream, then you can never really become successful. You know the saying, "you have to have a dream to make a dream come true" is the motive here, so it is very important you are VERY CLEAR about what it is you want from life.

I hope that in reading this, you now realize the power of having dreams and a direction.

This news article is brought to you by ELECTRICAL - where latest news are our top priority.

Online Jewelry Shops Should Blog to Increase Business

The internet offers a different approach to social and business engagement. We all have surfed to browse for shoes or computers, but often are disappointed or find that going out to the local shop would be more entertaining. Why is this case for online retailers such as jewelry shops that could benefit from engaging with their visitors? There are indirect ways that most businesses do so; they do this through blogging or articles. Some may use videos as well to attract and retain clients on their pages. The basic law of social business; engage your visitors with all ethical means possible without invading their privacy.

New business owners tend to get excited and overwhelmed at the same time. They have great products and want to become rich in a manner of hours or days without realizing that their jewelry business will take some work. This is a valid dream but without engaging copy for the visitors, they tend to bounce off the website like a fly to a windshield. Websites are like children, they need care and guidance in order to function the way that society would suggest or we would like to think they should act. Jewelry shops that tend to blog and gain loyal readers tend to experience more loyalty and business growth than those who do not. This is due to the social business environment that the internet is turning the global market into, going social has never been more important than ever, and then it is now.

What can blogging do for my jewelry business? If an owner of a jewelry shop that is online and starts to blog, they can share it over the social media channels. They have the potential of one blog post (providing it is more than a simple intro) driving new visitors to their website. The owner has to think about topics that may be attractive to the reader. The readers want a reason to be there, to shop there and what makes them different. Writing a blog is pretty simple given enough time to write and reading enough across the internet to see the different styles. The blog should be relaxed, informative, integrated with a photo and offer a few links to the website itself, such as to the product page or to the contact page. Jewelry owners can shine through their blogs by displaying their humor and personalities in a relaxed tone through a variety of topics that may not be always relevant to their business. There is an official business blog that sticks to only business developments and to the industry itself, which is separate from the social blog that is more common.

Most online jewelry shops can benefit from a social blog but may run into maintaining their blogs due to other commitments or lack of creative ideas. There is a fine line to balance between business and social life but posting once a week should not be that be that difficult, there are online specialists that can write and develop great blogs and post them to the website on a regular basis. Jewelry shops can earn more business, social followers and reputation with a solid blogging schedule, even if the work is done in months advance, the content will be fresh and ready to go. Online businesses is all about visibility and a search engine friendly but write the content for the readers.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

How to Choose the Best WordPress Theme?

When it comes to WordPress themes, you'd come across both free and paid themes. However, it is a fact that the best themes are premium themes and you would have to pay in order to buy and use them. Some even fetch the developer's extravagant prices - afterall quality themes take days and weeks to create.

You could easily monetize your website if you've got a theme that is created for this purpose. If your theme isn't developed keeping revenue in mind, you won't have great places to place your ads. Therefore, people won't end up clicking ads and buying your products.

You could also choose themes that would help your website function as a directory wherein you place advertisements form other parties and get paid when they make sales through you. If you've got this in mind, make sure to buy a theme or hire a developer to create one that could track out clicks on each module.

Choosing a theme

I've only mentioned about the revenue features as that's what most people are after when they create a website or blog. But that's not all you need to look into when choosing a theme for your WordPress site.

Before you choose or buy a theme, you need to think of its overall use. Is it flexible for use - can it be modified easily? Most websites would need you to take good care of them and maintain them from time to time. Does your theme offer self-maintenance - it would be great if this could be done.

Most premium themes would help you drastically when it comes to handling sales and maintaining the website. Therefore, your life would become a whole lot easier to live!

Also keep in mind future plans of the website because buying a new theme each and every time could turn out to be expensive. Therefore, plan well before buying.

Cost of themes

As already mentioned, you could get amazing themes completely free or for a price. The pricing varies from a few dollars for pre created themes to around $6000 for customized themes created by a developer you hire.

A good way to reduce the cost of your theme is to buy the complete license from the developer. Because, when you do this you would be able to sell the theme to other website owners for a reduced fee and make up at least a bit of the costs incurred to you.

This news article is brought to you by ADVANCED DATING ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips for Rookie Bloggers: 3 Free and Easy Ways to Get High Traffic to Your Site

Don't know how to get targeted traffic for your website? These days, with so much competition, it can be difficult to drive visitors to your site. So as a rookie blogger, you have to work doubly hard and work smarter than everyone else. Here are three easy ways to get quality traffic to your website.

Create a Squidoo Lens

Founded by the great Seth Godin, Squidoo is a website community of lensmasters, or in Squidoo terms, writers who share their expertise by creating high-quality articles (or "lenses" as what they're called in Squidoo.) To start writing a lens, you need to complete a very simple registration form, and then click on the confirmation link sent to your e-mail. Registration is free, so you don't have to worry about the cost.

Why do you need to create a Squidoo lens?

First of all, Google loves Squidoo. That means if you create a lens, the chances of it appearing on top of the search pages are high. When your target visitors go to your Squidoo page, they will be impressed with your content, and they'll be craving for more so they'll click on your website. Second, Squidoo has a solid community of lensmasters that supports one another. If you prove yourself to be not just a link-dropping lensmaster, you'll get the support that you badly need.

Write and Submit Unique Articles to Directories

Article marketing is still one of the most powerful promotion strategies there is as far as getting high traffic is concerned. So take your time to create unique articles and submit them to directories such as EzineArticles and ArticlesBase. If you're not comfortable about the idea of writing articles, you can always hire someone to do the job for you.

Why do you need to do this?

First, article directories are a great resource for more established blogs and sites. They go to EzineArticles, for instance, to take a look at content that they can publish on their site. If they like your article, it will get published on their site under your name, a process called "syndication." Second, articles are a reflection of your expertise. They prove what you know and that people can trust you. And when they trust you enough, they will be wanting for more, and they'll be heading over to your website.

So write articles and submit them to directories. Before you know it, you will have hundreds to thousands of traffic hits and visits!

Be Active in Social Networking Sites

Another important tool that rookie bloggers often miss is the power of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Today, the world has been made smaller by these sites, and people want to share their opinion through them. So if you don't have a Facebook account, it's about time you created one. Be active on the site, gain as many friends as you want, and socialize.

Other ways that you can do include the following:

- having a great mentor who can teach you what you need to know,

- participating in different forums and learning from the comments posted, and

- participating in free trainings and webinars hosted by sites such as High Traffic Academy.

If you do these, you will never ask yourself the question "how to get high traffic to my site" anymore. Instead, if you gain your expertise, you will be helping other people gain quality and unique website traffic to their blog.

This news article is brought to you by ECONOMY - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Is a Blog Really Important for Business?

There are many businesses that are reluctant to go online.

The most of them are local and small enterprises.

They think that going online is not a good strategy for business.

Many of them, don't set up a blog because they view it like black magic and think it's too hard for them.

Well, starting a blog is pretty easy, make it going on it's harder, but if a person got an enterprise, he is prepared to do it.

I want to talk with you about the reason to go online.

World is Transfering On the Web

Everyone is going online.

Firstly there were only few people, but in the last years the number of blogs online has increased exponentially.

You want to be where all the people are, because you have to advertise your products. It makes no sense to shout in the desert.

Think how many potential customers are waiting for you on the web!

A Blog is a Great Way to Sell

Many people think about blogs like places where someone inserts his last though, vacation or funny experience.

Yes, it can be used for these, but there also many profitable ways to use it.

You can inform people about your topics. This will lead to make them trust you.

And when trust is established, sales grows up.

You Can Make Many Products

With a blog, you can start making infoproducts.

If you sell, physical stuff in your business, none prohibits you to add some infoproducts.

This means extra money in your pocket.

You Can Automate Earning

This is probably on the best pro of blogging.

With the right set up you can automate a sales process, so you will gain without moving a finger!

You need to spend some time on this, but after you can relax and start going on the beach.

You Can Make Profitable Relationships

If you have a business you know that relationships are the juice of your success.

Well, blogging is one of the simplest way to engage people and make some great relationships.

One email it's enough to start a great relationship with an other online entrepreneur.

You Can Sell Over All the World

Everyone on internet, independently of his place, can read your content.

This mean that if you are going pretty good you can enlarge your business.

Even if you start as a local business, you can get to the point where some people out of your range are asking your services.

I think this are very persuasive reason to get an online business.

What do you think? I am interested in you opinion, let me hear it: leave a comment on my blog or send me an email.

This news article is brought to you by ASTROLOGY - where latest news are our top priority.

The Benefits of a Faster WordPress Website Load Time

WordPress is an open and free blogging resource, which allows you to build and manage blogs. WordPress gives you the option to install their software on your own server, or build blogs on their server. Most bloggers select the option to install the software on their own server since this option provides many benefits. These benefits include the ability to install your own plugins, themes, widgets, and scripts.

However, using these plugins, widgets, and themes can slow down the loading time of your website. Therefore, it is imperative for you to use best practices such as using fewer widgets, cache plugins, and accelerators to speed up WordPress websites. Employing these best practices will provide a myriad of benefits, including:

Increased Revenue
According to, for every 100 milliseconds takes to load, it loses a sale. Therefore, a fast loading WordPress website is crucial, especially if you are monetizing the website. Since the main purpose of your website is to make money, it is paramount for you to attract and retain customers. Attracting and retaining customers will not be enough, as you will need to convert these customers into sales. Research has shown that visitors who experience a lower average load time convert twice as often compared to visitors who experience more load time on a website. Therefore, you should speed up WordPress website loading time to increase your revenue.

Improved Search Ranking
One of the main objectives when creating your website is to rank high on search engines. There are many ways to push the rankings of your website high in search engine results. One of the core ways, especially with Google, is having a fast loading website. Google, in April 2010, launched an algorithm known as Site Speed. This algorithm favors sites that load quickly, improving their search rankings in the process. Since research has shown that 86% of Internet traffic comes from the search engines, you should evaluate your website's speed, and use tools such as Yslow to help you speed up WordPress website loading time to improve your ranking and attract more traffic.

Friendly User Experience
The third benefit you will reap from having a fast loading website is a friendly user experience. First, this friendly experience will make your visitors peruse your website for a longer time. This will result in an increased average visit time. Second, a friendly user experience will make your visitors come back for more. Third, friendly user experience will create a viral effect. This viral effect will occur when your website readers recommend your website to other people. This will increase your website traffic, and result in more page views for your website.

In conclusion, the rate at which your website loads affects its success. If it loads slowly, you will lose business, but if it loads quickly, you will realize elevated success. For instance, Mozilla Firefox reduced the loading page of its landing page and realized more downloads. Therefore, you should endeavor to speed up WordPress website loading time to increase revenue, improve your website's search engine ranking, and provide a friendly user experience.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.