Friday, July 13, 2012

Online Jewelry Shops Should Blog to Increase Business

The internet offers a different approach to social and business engagement. We all have surfed to browse for shoes or computers, but often are disappointed or find that going out to the local shop would be more entertaining. Why is this case for online retailers such as jewelry shops that could benefit from engaging with their visitors? There are indirect ways that most businesses do so; they do this through blogging or articles. Some may use videos as well to attract and retain clients on their pages. The basic law of social business; engage your visitors with all ethical means possible without invading their privacy.

New business owners tend to get excited and overwhelmed at the same time. They have great products and want to become rich in a manner of hours or days without realizing that their jewelry business will take some work. This is a valid dream but without engaging copy for the visitors, they tend to bounce off the website like a fly to a windshield. Websites are like children, they need care and guidance in order to function the way that society would suggest or we would like to think they should act. Jewelry shops that tend to blog and gain loyal readers tend to experience more loyalty and business growth than those who do not. This is due to the social business environment that the internet is turning the global market into, going social has never been more important than ever, and then it is now.

What can blogging do for my jewelry business? If an owner of a jewelry shop that is online and starts to blog, they can share it over the social media channels. They have the potential of one blog post (providing it is more than a simple intro) driving new visitors to their website. The owner has to think about topics that may be attractive to the reader. The readers want a reason to be there, to shop there and what makes them different. Writing a blog is pretty simple given enough time to write and reading enough across the internet to see the different styles. The blog should be relaxed, informative, integrated with a photo and offer a few links to the website itself, such as to the product page or to the contact page. Jewelry owners can shine through their blogs by displaying their humor and personalities in a relaxed tone through a variety of topics that may not be always relevant to their business. There is an official business blog that sticks to only business developments and to the industry itself, which is separate from the social blog that is more common.

Most online jewelry shops can benefit from a social blog but may run into maintaining their blogs due to other commitments or lack of creative ideas. There is a fine line to balance between business and social life but posting once a week should not be that be that difficult, there are online specialists that can write and develop great blogs and post them to the website on a regular basis. Jewelry shops can earn more business, social followers and reputation with a solid blogging schedule, even if the work is done in months advance, the content will be fresh and ready to go. Online businesses is all about visibility and a search engine friendly but write the content for the readers.

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