Saturday, July 7, 2012

3 Important Techniques You Fail to Apply That Make You Get 0 Visitors to Your Blog Everyday

You strive to get visitors, comments, readers and subscribers in your by spending countless hours on writing impressive blog posts, providing your blog a snazzy design and buying powerful plugins. But still, at the of the day, after signing in Google analytics you surprisingly notice that nobody, not even a fly, visited your blog. I know how it feels. It's quite frustrating when you buckle down on improving your blog, after all - no outcome.

Ever wondered what you might not be doing that makes you get no visitors?

Here I disclose 3 techniques you fail to implement on your blog that are crucial in traffic generation.

1. Guest Posting

One guest post in a popular-giant blog can constantly draw traffic to your blog. When you guest post on a blog surely the owner will provide a short description or a bio of the article author and a link back to your blog at the end of the post to give credits. If you get a guest post accepted on a blog that gets heaps of visitors per day, you would grab attention of the visitors of that particular blog, then, they would certainly pass by your blog. The bottom line is, you get a great exposure to the audience and well-targeted visitors.

2. Fresh-Unique Content

Doubtlessly, content is the main source of traffic to blog. When visitors get in your blog, the very first thing they want to see is the content you provide them. To build confidence among your audience, you have to make sure the content is unique and original, that's what the visitors are looking for. Moreover, you should frequently update your blog with new posts in order to get your visitors back, because they get new and fresh content and learn more from them. Would you still be visiting a blog with the always-old content? Think about it.

3. The Power of Social Networks

Today, we have Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon, Pinterest and others social networks that receive millions of visitors and the users spend billions of hours on it. On Facebook, for instance, you can build a fan page and a community of people with same interests of your particular niche topic. This a great opportunity to get your high-quality content spread to others. You fulfill their needs by providing them great content, you position yourself as a go-to authority and get them following you-building a sustainable blog empire.

In this article, I did not mention the superb power of search engines, in which 85% percent of visitors come from them. Since it is a hard path to follow-up, I just disclosed a ball park figure of what methods you can still apply to get your desired-visitors.

This news article is brought to you by EVERYTHING ABOUT COFFEE - where latest news are our top priority.

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