Friday, July 13, 2012

Dream Big, Start Small! The Steps to Blogging Success!

I'm guessing that you are here reading this because you finally decided that some aspects of your life (financially) had to change? Well if you want to create that change through blogging and building sites, then you are in the right place!

What I am about to share with you is a simple success system that has stood the test of time, and has literally been the springboard for success for millions of people all around the globe, in every walk of life.

Here is some good news for you, no matter how successful someone may come across in today's world, nearly 99% of them started off with nothing. That's right, nothing. Many successful people failed over and over again until they were able to create and harness a system of success that worked for them and it can work for you too.

The iron law of success is the law of cause and effect. It goes like this:

"For every action you do, there will always be an equal and opposite reaction. Do something good and get something good. Do something bad, get something bad"

What this means is that the more effort you put into creating something good, the more good you will get out of it. Lots of body builders practically live their lives with this simple rule, and it is in my opinion one of the best rules out there because it is so powerful, and can apply to anything. Here is the rule

"Put in an average effort and get average results. Put in maximum effort, and get maximum results"

Success is in no way an accident. No one has ever stumbled onto being financially independent, and no one has ever gotten "lucky" with success. It all starts with a simple dream of having more than they have now.

The fact is that 99% of self made successes were average people with average educations. They grew up in average neighborhoods, drove average cars and lived in average houses. The only thing that wasn't so average was the desire to become something great, and the crystallization of that desire begun with having a simple dream.

Dream Big Dreams

When you undertake any business venture or journey in your life in hopes becoming successful and financially independent, you must have a reason as to why you are pursuing that goal. Having a reason and thinking about the "Whys" as opposed to the "What ifs" is in fact so powerful, that people go to extraordinary lengths to work hard for the things they believe in.

As human beings, we tend to move in the direction of the things we think about most, that is why, your thoughts should be the things you aspire towards the most, NOT NEGATIVITY!

The very act of allowing yourself to have HUGE dreams raises your level of self respect, and you begin to become more much more motivated and productive on a day to day basis.

Dreams are truly a magical thing and if you don't have a dream, then you can never really become successful. You know the saying, "you have to have a dream to make a dream come true" is the motive here, so it is very important you are VERY CLEAR about what it is you want from life.

I hope that in reading this, you now realize the power of having dreams and a direction.

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