Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How Syndicating Your Content Grows Readership

As a blogger, one of your biggest concerns is obtaining as many high-quality readers as possible. That is how you measure the success of your blog. Writing and posting aren't enough, however. Syndicating is a critical tool for readership boosting.

Your readers can come from many different places. They don't all have to subscribe to your blog. Of course, you will want to encourage as many people as possible to subscribe to your blog because it truly benefits both of you. It benefits you because you can connect with them in all sorts of ways if they have opted in to your blog (newsletter, white paper, etc) and that gives you more opportunities to eventually turn them into paying customers. You should always encourage as much interaction from your readers as possible. It is important to make them feel that their opinions and feelings matter to you and that their feedback will be seriously considered by you for your business. Syndicating benefits your readers because they will have the opportunity to receive whatever you are giving. When it comes to syndication, people who have become loyal readers love to be alerted when your new content is being shared. It makes them feel special. People generally love to read interesting and exciting things. The more value you give them, the more loyal they will become to you.

Why syndication is effective

First of all, it is important to understand what syndication is. Syndication means that you are posting your content in a central place and then you are sharing it with many other places where it is of interest to people who you feel will get value from it and will want to interact with you and your business as a result. The syndication of your content online is the electronic version of syndicating a newspaper article to numerous papers. The concept is identical. If you carry the analogy a little further, the business directories and social media channels to which you might syndicate your blog article would be New York Times and Wall Street Journal. If you are able to syndicate your content to places online where many people will be able to read what you are posting, your opportunities to establish new connections are will be endless. Now you just need to figure out how to get there.


The easiest way to syndicate your content online is to do it yourself. It will take some time and some effort; however, it will also be well worth it. Of course, you will need a little bit of patience as well. Nothing worthwhile will happen overnight. It will take some time until you start to establish a reputation, credibility, and trustworthiness though your content. Don't worry. It will happen if your efforts are consistent and relentless.

There are many websites to which you can syndicate effectively:

Biznik: Biznik is a business directory that is actually housed on the west coast but is distributed much more widely. You will get a great deal of positive exposure for your content if you post on Biznik. As is the case with most of the business directories, there are rules to which you must adhere. Of course, those rules are there to protect you and everyone else. The content that it posted on Biznik is interesting, informative and educational.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn allows you to be a member of up to 50 groups (without paying) and that means that you can engage in discussions, post articles, ask questions, answer other people's questions, etc. LinkedIn is an extremely popular professional social media channel and, as a business person, if you aren't involved with it yet, it is strongly recommended that you join, set up a complete profile and start interacting with other people with whom you share a professional connection.

Facebook: At this point, most people are aware that Facebook is not just for personal use. Just as it is with LinkedIn, you can join groups on Facebook. You can syndicate your articles in the same way that you do to other social media channels and business directories. You should also encourage your readers to "Like" your content, which will strengthen your reputation online. For business purposes, you should establish a Fan page, which is geared more toward business.

Scribnia: You can find top-quality blogs through this website. The blogs are rated through a voting system. People vote on all blogs and will also vote on yours. With that in mind, it is very important that your blog articles are of the highest quality possible. The higher the quality of your blog articles, the better your rankings will be in the search engine pages.


Syndication is an extremely important part of the success of your business as well as the heightened exposure of your business and a tremendous boost in your business's reputation. Of course, always keep in mind that your content stands out among all of the other content that is posted and syndicated on the web. Without that hook, your content will get lost in the crowd. With it, you will stand head and shoulders above the rest.

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