Friday, June 1, 2012

Easy Fixes for Blogging Errors

You are constantly reading and hearing about how critical content is to the success of your business online. Using Inbound Marketing, a technique where you get your pre-screened, pre-qualified customers to come to you is extremely effective also.

An incredibly effective way to constantly generate fresh content for business is with a business blog. Business owners who post and syndicate blog articles on a regular and consistent basis generate a great deal more traffic, links, and indexed pages in the search engines. Of course, there are still numerous business people who are not really getting their word out effectively and in a way that gives them favorable results. It certainly doesn't hurt for everyone to go over the basics of blogging again. There may be information that you thought you knew and information that is new and that you will have positive results with when you try it for your business.

The following are errors that occur commonly and, at the same time, are very easy to remedy. It is a good idea to keep this information in your armamentarium, just in case you need to call upon it in the future.

You don't combine your blog with your website: If you don't combine your blog with your website, you are doing your web presence a great disservice. First of all, search engine optimization (SEO) will not rank your content nearly as high if the blog and the website are completely separate entities. It is well established that one of your objectives is to rank as high as possible against your competition when people search for you. Every new blog that you post has the potential to be indexed in the search engines. It is critical that your blog articles are connected to your business's website. If that happens, your blog will be automatically connected to your business (through your website). Another important reason for you to combine your blog with your website is to strengthen your brand. The more high-quality content you have associated with your business's website, the more people will feel that you are credible and trustworthy. You need people to really get to know your brand and this is the most effective way to accomplish that.

Not adhering to WIIFM: The marketing principle that you must always follow is WIIFM (What's In It For Me). It doesn't matter how great you are and how wonderful your products and/or services are. All that matters is that you have the capability of solving the other person's problems. If you can do that, the chances are great that you will turn them into loyal customers relatively quickly. People need to know that you are there for them. This approach is so effective because your needs and wants will be satisfied at the same time merely because your relationship is mutually beneficial and everyone will get what they need in the end. If you are able to solve the other person's problems, they will most likely want to tell other people about how much you did for them and that sort of publicity is invaluable. There are many different ways in which you can accomplish this, including focusing your blog content on their needs, interacting effectively face to face, etc.

Not publishing frequently and consistently: It is wonderful that you have a blog and that you are sharing top-quality content with other people. Your content is educational, informative, and compelling. However, you are not committed to a consistent schedule and a consistent frequency. People need to be able to count on your content at the same time(s) each week. That is how you build a strong following and how you eventually increase your business's revenue. It is extremely important for you to make a commitment to blogging on the same days each week and at the same time of the day, if at all possible. People will come to count it and will definitely appreciate it more than you know.

Stay focused on what you need to say: Being focused, when it comes to your content, is critical to your success. Your topics should be consistent and the foundation of your messaging must be strong and unrelenting. People need that from you and they will count on that from you too. If you lack focus in your content, your traffic will suffer and if your traffic suffers, the success of your business will suffer ultimately. If you are having difficulty focusing, it may help you to work from an outline. The outline will help you to stick to your plan and your work will shine because of it.


The tips that were discussed here were just some of the many tips that you can use to become a more effective and successful business blogger. Other tips will discussed in subsequent articles and you will find that they enhance what you are offering to others. It is critical that you recognize the importance of blogging and what it can do for your business. It is also important to constantly strive to improve upon what you are already offering. Make sure that you really understand the needs and wants of your audience and customize your offerings to them. They will definitely thank you for it.

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