Friday, June 1, 2012

Why Blogging Can Be So Important

Why Blog?

So many people ask this same question. And there are many of you out there that really don't know what blogging is or even how to go about it.

You can think of blogging as like you were writing in a journal. There are no rules of what you need to write about. Whatever floats your boat. The sky is the limit.

So Why Is There So Much Emphasis on Blogging These Days?

Here are some reasons why blogging can be a win-win for you.

* When you share your experiences through creating a blog, there are many people that will come to know you and want to follow you because they enjoy reading what you write. Your blog can touch someone emotionally as well as spiritually. Or it just may make people laugh. Now what could be better than to bring smiles and laughter to many others?

* Helping others whether it be solving problems in their businesses, their personal life, or just within themselves.

* Your own self-gratification. Sometimes just putting down on paper issues that you may be dealing with will oftentimes result in your finding your own solutions. Have you ever been in a room all by yourself and you find yourself talking to yourself out loud? Do you ever answer yourself? Sometimes you come up with your own solutions just by talking through it out loud. In the meantime, you may find your readers may have gone through similar circumstances because what you wrote resonated with them.

* Building relationships with others. As your own notoriety grows with your writings, people will feel motivated to connect with you more on a personal level. People will feel comfortable sharing with you which will result in even more topics to write about.

* From a business standpoint, if you are a business savvy person, you can address specific hurdles that you've been able to overcome. You can even get more specific with your blogs about such things as: growing your business; driving more traffic to your business; getting more leads.....well, you get the picture.

* Let's say you have a passion for cooking. You can write a whole series of blogs providing others with your recipes. Yum, Yum.

* Offer insight and/or opinions. This can be a very intriguing way to engage readers as it can be very thought-provoking. This opens the reader's mind to a different perspective that they may not have considered before. This encourages people to "think outside the box" so to speak.

* Generating an additional income for yourself. If you have your own business, your blog content may result in people wanting to get on board with your business opportunity. Cha-ching!!!

* Raising people up. Now I don't mean this in the literal sense. When you can help "lift" up other people, you are helping to raise their self-esteem. In doing so, and receiving positive feedback from your blogs, you are "lifting" your own self-esteem because now you are giving value to others and making them feel better about themselves.

This is just a small sample of what you can do with blogging. But this also takes commitment on your part. Try to be consistent and blog daily if you can. There really is no limit on what you can find to write about. You may find yourself in a particular niche that really gets you fired up, and you can go on to writing an entire series of blogs around one particular topic that you have a passion for.

There are many sites online where you can post your blogs. EzineArticles is the perfect venue for this. Or you may create your own blogging website. It's totally up to you.

So give it a try. Open up a word document on your computer and just start typing whatever comes into your mind. If your life is really interesting, you can do an online daily diary of your life to share with others. If you have stressors in your life, this just might be the elixir to relieve that stress. Who knows where this could lead.

We may even find you one day on the bookstore shelves as a published author! If that happens, may I be the first to get your autograph?

Let your hair down and have fun with it.

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