Monday, June 4, 2012

Getting Started Online With A WordPress Blog - Build Your Business With Your 'Home On The Internet'

Your blog is your home on the Internet, and you must make sure that it is welcoming to your visitors. Long gone are the days of complicated and expensive web sites that required web designers and other technical people to set up and maintain. These days we use WordPress blogs to get our message out to the world. These sites must still be aesthetically pleasing, be optimized for your name and keywords through SEO (search engine optimization), and contain all of the content you wish to share with your target audience.

Take a look at your site when you first arrive. What you are able to see before you begin scrolling is referred to as being above the fold. Most people will not look any further if they do not get interested at this point. You can try this out by visiting the blogs and sites of people you know. You may not have even realized this until now. The important elements to have are your picture, the name of your site with a tag line, an opt in box in the upper right-hand corner, and a post at the top that explains who you are, what you do, and what you have to offer those who visit your site.

Once you have grabbed their attention, your visitors will scroll down the page to find what they need and just to explore. Make sure to keep your site neatly organized, which is easy to do using WordPress. I like to show my latest book in the sidebar on the right, along with my categories, my recent comments, and an affiliate banner to the product I am currently recommending. Your categories are just another way to get your keywords out there in a prominent way.

Now I want you to think about your posts. I believe that you must post two or three times a week, every week, for the first year. After that, once a week is fine but it must be consistent. This is the face of your business and your home on the Internet, so make it count. Whenever I am at a loss for what to write, I simply go through the list of my categories and choose one to write about.

It has never been so easy and affordable to set up and maintain your own WordPress blog. Make the most of this opportunity so that you can build your online business and serve others with your knowledge and expertise.

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