Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why Is Blogging So Popular? 5 Reasons to Start Your Own Blog

You may have already thought about starting your own blog or maybe you are new to the idea, but blogging is one of the easiest ways to get your voice heard and to potentially market yourself to a wide audience. Perez Hilton, if you are unfamiliar, is a guy who started a blog to talk about his favorite television shows and the people behind them. He started doing that and is now frequently featured in those television shows and most recently I saw him appear on an episode of Glee. He made an enjoyable life for himself from scratch by blogging.

The number one reason to start your own blog is simply that, to make money to supplement and eventually replace your regular income. Everyone has big dreams on how they could potentially rise up from their current position in life. Blogging gives you a way to do that but it won't be instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination. It takes hard work to market your website effectively so that it gets enough traffic to be profitable, research on how to monetize your website properly and a great deal of other factors as well. Not to mention that it requires you to own your own domain name and website. There are companies out there that offer blog creation services but they can sometimes be rather expensive so research should be done to find a great deal.

The second highest reason to start your own blog is to help market your other products, services or even just yourself. The blog should target a niche audience that is closely related to your product or service and posting frequent and informative blog updates will gain attention and give you some notoriety with your niche audience. Linking back to your product pages and directing traffic to your services will increase your revenue and exposure to the masses. Having multiple sources of sustainable income is the quickest way to assist you with the first goal of replacing your income with a higher web based income.

Another reason to start your own blog is because you simply have a lot of valuable information to share with the world. There are many sites out there that are actually tutorial web sites to teach their readers how to achieve a task. These websites are vastly popular because they offer a large amount of free content that is valuable to their readers. If you have the desire and knowledge to share your expertise with the world and you approach the design of your website and marketing strategy with careful consideration then you have a good chance of succeeding over time. Nothing is instantaneous of course.

Another reason to start a blog is to simply host your own writing articles so that you can reference them for future jobs as a freelance writer. Having a blog with a variety of content to showcase your skill as an author is a great addition to freelance resumes and writing websites such as eHow and other paid article sites. Writing articles for eHow can gain you a steady income over time and then you can use those articles to drive some traffic back to your blog as well effectively cross promoting your websites.

The last and final reason that you may wish to start your own blog is to start a paid membership site that requires payment in order to read content. This goes hand in hand with some of the other ideas out there but if you wish to quickly achieve a steady stream of income this is the way to go but you have to both have a niche audience that is large enough to support your goals (assume that less then 1 percent of your target audience will be converted to paying customers) and to supply enough quality content to entice them to pay. This can be a challenging task which is why most authors opt to go the route of hosting a free blog and rely on income from pay per click advertising.

I hope this gives you some insight on reasons why blogging is so popular and why you may wish to start your own blog. If you decide to start a blog then you should head over to and check out their special offer on blog creation service. For just two low payments you can get your blog domain, website, and engine set up without lifting a finger and without having to know any code what so ever. I highly recommend this service to all my readers because it is one of the best deals out there and the quality of the websites produced are superb. Take a look and let me know what you think!

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