Friday, June 1, 2012

Four Ways of Monetizing Your Blog

The internet is full of people who use it as a platform for generating an income. For many, it as become the only means for doing business. Blogging has become one of the more popular online business models many people use. Having a blog which attracts thousands of hits every month would be like having a dead horse, unless there was some way of converting those hits into revenue. Here we will show four ways of monetizing your blog.

Google AdSense is a method which many use as a way of generating some income. In the first instance you will need to register with Google and join their AdSense program. It is free and easy to use. Once you have registered to participate in the program, special link code gets generated which you have to embed into the website. As your page content changes, Google will display content related Google Adds on the webpage. When visitors click on these adverts, you get paid a small amount.

Many bloggers use affiliated marketing. This involves placing links on your blog site which will take visitors to a merchant site selling products. The links and products are usually chosen in such a way that a common thread exists between the displayed adverts and your content. When visitors buy the merchandise via a link from your blog, you earn a commission.

The third way of monetizing your site is by creating and selling your own products. These can take the form of eBooks, tutorials, video clips, or practically anything that potential visitors will find valuable. The important factor here again is that the products and content share a common niche in order to attract the correct visitors.

Online advertising has become popular on the web and many sites are selling advertising space to potential traders. Some blog site owners follow the same route. Advertising space is usually leased to merchants at a specific rate for specific periods. Merchants will only be interested in leasing space from you if your content is in the same or a closely related niche to the products and services the have on offer.

We are all in the internet business to generate an income to survive. Many people have blogs that have the potential to generate a real income. These four methods of monetizing such blogs are useful techniques to use to fulfill this potential. The main underlying reason is to make sure that they share the same niche as your blog content.

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