Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why Anyone and Everyone Should Be Blogging

For a lot of people, writing is not something they think they're good at. It's scary to think of writing your opinions and thoughts for the public to read and, potentially, criticize. Even those who write extremely well, opening themselves up for scrutiny can be a very frightful thing. But those who decide to take the chance and let the world know their passion and opinions on a subject, blogging offers a new frontier with no limits on what they can achieve.

There are many reasons for anyone and everyone to maintain a blog. For professionals it adds credibility, for families it adds closeness, for businesses it adds reputation, and for enthusiasts it adds an outlet for passion.

Here are my top 4 reasons to blog:

1. It's a challenge that exercises creativity.

To concisely communicate through text is a daunting challenge. Taking that one step further; to continuously create great content in a consistent manner is accomplishing the near-impossible. Even if you're overly passionate about your niche, over time you will experience a bit of a road block. You will feel like there's nothing left to say.

The challenge comes when a blogger feels this way but somehow reaches down inside and comes up with something new and exciting from different angles and points of view to shed light and information on the subject. And they do it with excitement.

2. Blogging gives you a much-needed platform.

Everyone, at some point in their lives, wish they had a platform to speak from and an audience to listen. There is always a passion to share our views and always a desire for someone to genuinely want to hear them.

To blog is to take board by board and build a platform from which you can speak. And, just like Field of Dreams, if you build the platform, the listeners will come.

The amazing thing about the internet is its ability to connect people from all corners of the globe, from completely different cultures, who have the same common goals, opinions, and passions. It's these people who will join you, listen to you, cheer you on, and support you and your ideas.

Who knows; if you're good enough your blog just might change the world, or at least a few people in it.

3. You can make money blogging

This is one of the best perks about operating a successful blog. My wife and I have learned that there is a hugely untapped resource of income on the internet for anyone that has the patience, perseverance, and downright stubbornness to do it.

You can make a good supplemental income from your blog if you want to. There are a lot of people that have made a very comfortable living by simple blogging about their passions.

There are great ways to monetize a blog to supplement your income. And what better way to do that rather than selling things people to want to people who don't need them?

4. You become an expert

If you want to be known as a great fisherman, what is the best way to do it? Would you walk up to a group of people and loudly proclaim you're a great fisherman? Would you ask your friends to tell their friends how great a fisherman you are? Would you bore everyone that would listen about your fishing exploits hoping they connect the dots?

If that's the steps you take to market yourself as a fishing genius, you will probably stop getting invites to dinner parties. There is a much better way to promote yourself without sounding, looking, and feeling like you are promoting yourself. What's that secret? It's blogging.

The steps are really simple:

First, you start a blog about fishing. Second, you add great content about fishing. You provide tips about fishing that most people wouldn't think about. Third, you add pictures and videos of you catching some great fish. Fourth, you start giving advice on how to catch fish.

Before you know it, people will be asking you about fishing because they realize this is an area you are an expert in. You never had to toot your own horn, you just offered advice and those that appreciated it found it.

The blogging approach is the easiest way to solidify your position as an expert on a subject. It's a heap more expeditious than bothering everyone with narcissistic stories about what you're good at.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

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