Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Importance of Having a Blog As a Freelancer

You might already know what a blog is, but do you have one? Because if you don't then you really ought to. A lot of freelancers really do miss out on a trick here, if you're one, then keep reading to discover just why you should have a blog set up sooner rather than later.

Having a blog can actually help you to build up your Freelance Business. If you don't believe me, then check out the following five reasons why a blog can really boost business.

  1. Create a Web Presence - Ideally, you would get a URL with your business or personal name in, depending how you run your freelance business, this will automatically generate an online presence. If your freelancing business is primarily online (web design, website content etc.) then having an online presence is a must! Not only does it give you an online presence, but also gives potential clients an easy way to find you.

  2. Describe and List Your Services - Your blog doesn't have to just be you having a chit chat to potential clients and fellow freelancers. It can also be a place to list services that you will do as a freelancer. It's a way in which you can tell everyone just what you are capable of and what you are happy to do. It's also somewhere that you can send potential clients when you are emailing them. Simply drop them a link in the email so they can find out exactly what you can do.

  3. Home for Your Portfolio - Again, don't limit your blog to witty posts about your life, use it as a portfolio. It's another place to send potential clients and it is somewhere that you can show off everything that you are capable of. You should also look at your blog as a portfolio, a way to show off. If you're a designer, then your blog should look amazing. If you're a writer, then your blog posts should read amazingly. If you're a video maker, then post a few video posts which should be amazing.

  4. Position Yourself as an Expert - You need to prove that you are an industry expert by making informative posts that people will find useful. You don't want to give wrong information or sound like a newbie (even if that is the case). You need to show off your knowledge so clients see you as an expert, and so that fellow freelancers see you as a go-to-guy.

  5. Networking - Use blogging as a way to network within the freelancing community. You should leave comments turned on, allow fellow freelancers to comment on what you have to say and get people talking. It will be a great way to meet new freelancers.

So simple as it is... Get a blog! End of!

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