Friday, June 8, 2012

Income From Blogging: Easy Three Step Formula for How Bloggers Make Money

Income from Blogging? Yes! It's really possible!

So you have a blog, but if no one sees it, then your possibilities for getting that income from blogging are practically nil! First, you need to understand how Google ranks blogs. It's the page that ranks, not the whole blog itself. For example, if you're reading this on my blog, you may have typed in "income from blogging" into the Google, and the search engines begin their work.

Begin with your keyword phrase to get income from blogging...

That phrase, "income from blogging" would be the keyword phrase. After determining your target market and once you have what you want to blog about in your mind, begin by going to the free keyword search tool: You can establish a free Google account here, and the system will let you know how many people are out there searching for your keyword phrase.

If you don't use SEO tools to get your phrase to appear on the first page of Google, I would suggest you search for a low competition phrase that gets between 100 and 2000 searches per month. The "long tail" keyword phrase is easiest to rank for, which is a phase with several words. And it will also stay at the top of Google longer once you get to page one.

Income from Blogging with Social Syndication...

Many blogs, including WordPress, have an option to send through OnlyWire. This is an account that you can establish for free that will send to approximately 50 social networking sites all at once. You do, of course, need to set up accounts for each networking site within your OnlyWire account. If you don't have an auto-feed to OnlyWire through your blogging system, simply log into your OnlyWire account, click the "post" tab, and enter the permalink for your blog page (you can click "get short link" to get that), and type in a small description of what your post is about. Don't forget to enter in your keyword phrase before clicking submit! Once your accounts are set up, you can literally do this within five minutes per post.

Linking strategies for income from blogging...

The object is to get your blog page to rank on the first page of Google. When you can do this, then all those people searching for your keyword phrase will see you post, hence, free leads for you! The search engines will mostly likely see your content when you find a way to put your keyword phrase in your H1, H2, and H3 headings on the blog. (Note my headings in this post, where "income from blogging" is in all of my headings.) It's best to link all of your keyword phrases in the post to a high authority site.

How can a high authority site get you income from blogging?

Google ranks your material based on two things: relatively and popularity. When you're including your keyword phrase in the post in several pages that designates relatively. Google wants to make sure that people don't end up with something entirely different to that which they're searching for. So now your site is relative, but how can you make it popular?

You need an authority site to link to or "approve" of the page. So, if you have a high authority site you're linking to, you can do this yourself! The Alexa score will dictate how popular a site is. The lower the score, the more popular the site. For example, YouTube has an Alexa score of 3, meaning it is the third most popular site on Google. It's always a good idea to link some of your keyword phrases to a YouTube video. I also like to put YouTube videos embedded within the images on my blog page, which will cause people to stay longer on my page, which lowers my score.

Additionally, I've discovered an important secret. I link my own blog to a team blog, which has tons of traffic already with a low Alexa score. Now I have the same material in that blog post (making it relevant), and I'm linking to a site with a low Alexa score (making it popular). You can use the team blog in conjunction with your own personal blog, or even just use it by itself to promote your products or services to get massive income from blogging!

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