Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog Commenting Etiquette: How to Behave in a Blog Comment to Increase Likelihood to Get Approved

In the social networking world of the Facebook Era and Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 many people enjoy commenting at author's blogs. Interaction and even some controversy in blog commentary is part of the online Web 3.0 experience. However, there are still some rules online etiquette will help guide your placing a comment at a blog and joining the social networking well with elegance and poise online.

As a leading internet dating expert where I educate and empower single men and women to interact better to help them finding love online, I also answer related questions about building online relationships in business. One of the best tips I can share with you about placing a comment at someone's blog and joining in the Web 3.0 conversation online is to remember to use some social etiquette rules. Remember it if often best to aim to apply rules and social graces guidelines which we use in the real world offline then also in the internet world of computer net based social interaction.

The Question: What is the top way to think of how to behave when you want to join in the online Web 3.0 conversation and leave a comment at someone's blog?

The Answer: Remember to behave like you are a guest in someone else's home.

When you hear that one of the best ways to have your comments approved at someone else's blogs is to behave like a guest would act in their home, perhaps you read that and then wonder, what might that mean for me?

First, when you are a guest in someone's home, remember that it is their home. What that translates to in blog commenting behavior is to remember that it is their blog and they are the resident topic expert at their own website. So, that would mean, you would not try to foist your expertise onto their blog. Briefly that means, do no try to steal their thunder and establish yourself as a better expert at their blog.

Secondly, joining the conversation already going on in their living room. Instead of attempting to steal their thunder or redirect the social networking conversation, join into the conversation which is already going on at their blog. A more gracious way to add to the conversation without completely redirecting things is to pose a question politely, admiringly, and respectfully at their blog post.

Lastly, following the expected behavior of a gracious guest in someone's home, do remember to thank your host. Ways to translate thanking your host or hostess into blog and internet etiquette behavior is to compliment the blogger on their selection of an interesting blog post topic and to thank them for bringing their topical expertise to their blog reading public.

Be sure to regularly visit their blog and graciously comment when you are at their blog. When you behave like a gracious guest at someone's house, then you are a welcome blog visitor and they are more inclined to approve your blog comments and think well of you.

This news article is brought to you by GAMING NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

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