Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why You Should Keep Your Blog Posts Short and Sweet

If you write a blog you are aware of the importance of writing so that your readers can quickly and easily understand the message. To determine if you have succeeded in keeping your blog short and easy to read there are some tools that you can use to view the readability of your blog. If you are like many writers who use Microsoft Word you are already equipped with a readability measuring tool. You can enable this helpful tool by going into the Spelling & Grammar tab and checking the boxes to check grammar with spelling and show the readability statistics. Now, every time you spell check your document you will be provided with the readability numbers.

Another way that writers can ensure the readability of their blogs is to limit the number of sentences per paragraph. It is common that most writers begin a new paragraph each time they change ideas, each paragraph should consist of no more than four sentences. This will help keep your paragraphs from running long while still getting the general idea across to the reader. Keeping your paragraphs short also keeps your reader from becoming bored with the material. People have short attention spans, as a writer you need to keep that in mind.

Keeping your words short is also a great way to increase the readability of your blog. Just because you know a longer word for cute doesn't necessarily mean you need to use it. It is recommended that you only use larger words if it is the only way you can express your thoughts and if you feel that your readers will understand it. Your blog is not a place to showcase your extensive knowledge of words; it is a place where you are trying to entertain your readers by providing them with well-written material.

Writing a blog is an excellent tool for promoting your business, as long as you use it correctly. Do not try to impress your readers with your extensive knowledge on a subject; simply provide them with the material they are interested in. This will go a long way in keeping your readers coming back for more on a regular basis. Readers enjoy being provided with current topics, this shows them that you are actively involved in discovering fresh and relevant content that will be of interest to them. If you keep the topics current and fresh your readers will look forward to visiting your website regularly simply to read your latest blog entry.

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