Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Make Money With Your Own Blog - 10 Best Tips

I've worked in blogging and online marketing for years, and it's never ceased to amaze me how many veteran bloggers are great writers but aren't great at business. It seems like almost every time I read a blog, I find a few things that they could do better and make more money. Sometimes, I see basic mistakes like blogs not being optimized for search engines, or ads that are irrelevant to the blog's audience. That's why I'm sharing my 10 top ways to make money with your blog.

1. AdSense - Pay per click banner ads

This is a free program that you join through Google. Once approved you will have the ability to place a small bit of HTML code on your blogs. This code generates small ads that are relevant to your blog's content. Every time a visitor clicks on one of these ads, you are paid a certain amount per click.

2. Newsletters

It is new yet very useful technique to keep your reader updated and having one more opportunity to earn money from your online business. In your e-newsletter the chances of selling the space available on it can earn you good money with less effort.

Usually, you just need to make a newsletter, put some very useful content on it and let your potential client know about its quality. The ad you will get from this technique will be dependent on the number of readers or recipients of it, so make sure you have the good number of readers to present before your client.

3. Become a Brand Ambassador

If you love a brand and want to be their brand ambassador, you can package sponsorship opportunities, like incorporating ads or links into your posts, reaching out to your community on behalf of a brand. Doing a special campaign on twitter using branded has tags. The possibilities are endless!.

4. Affiliate programs

We all like to make sure we're buying the best products money can buy - your readers are no different to this and are more likely to make a purchase if you've found them the best product for them. Choose products and companies with good reputations and quality sales pages. There is nothing worse than giving a glowing review of a product only to send your reader to a page that looks cheap and nasty.

5. Videos

Maybe your ad space is fine enough, but you can brand a video like you would a sponsored post, curate great content that would be useful for your viewers as well as the brand.

6. Digital Downloads

You can see this type of money making method in use on websites that sell ebooks or other digital download products like: WordPress themes, premium design resources, textures, etc. This works great because its a more passive way to earn income from your blog. Once you set the link up for people to pay & download, you never have to touch it again and it can make you money over & over again. To streamline the process of digital downloads, I'd recommend checking out e-junkie. With millions of users and the ability to sell your products for as little as $5.00 per month, e-junkie is the perfect solution to have someone pay (to your PayPal account) and instantly download your files.

7. RSS Feeds

If you have a blog, you would also be having a feed for sure. You can Place PPC ads in your feeds like that from Adsense or can also sell flat rate advertising. If you have burned your feed through Feedburner, you can easily add your AdSense ads in it.

8. Sell your Services

Depending on the type of blog you run, you can offer consulting services. Setting this up is as easy as adding a new post category called "Consulting." This option isn't limited to just marketers and entreprenuers, however. If you are a web designer, you would offer design services, which would fall under the same category.

Your consulting page should include a contact form, email and phone number, along with your past work experience and what services you are offering.

9. Job Announcements

All the popular blogs are trying to leverage job boards to make some extra income, Guy Kawasaki, ReadWriteWeb, Problogger... you name it.

Needless to say that in order to create an active and profitable job board you need first to have a blog focused on a specific niche, and a decent amount traffic.

The advantage of this method is that it is passive. Once you have the structure in place, the job listings will come naturally, and you can charge anywhere from $10 up to $100 for each.

10. Sell Design Templates

Provide blog templates for platforms that you have experience with to develop a niche market for your web design services. There are dozens of blog platforms online, with Blogger, WordPress, Typead and Live Journal being some of the most popular blogging tools. More traffic will come to your website if you can offer blog templates that are compatible with a variety of blogging platforms. However, you will still be able to develop a large following by specializing in one specific blogging platform. Providing a wide variety of layouts will make it easier to get repeat customers when selling blog templates on your website.

In conclusion, this brings to an end my 10 rules of making money blogging. Now I know I have stepped on some toes, I know I have challenged the views of many; I know I stirred the waters of conventional wisdom. So I am going to level the playing field here. If you feel I have contradicted your views or principles; then feel free to shoot me through your comments. I am prepared to take your bullets and also respond with mine, so let's begin. Good Luck Everyone!

This news article is brought to you by MISERABLE OR HAPPY DIVORCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Learning to Blog By Using Twitter

Learning to blog is really simply a matter of learning how to say more in less words and this is why Twitter is such a terrific training tool! As any good blogger will tell you, composing content for your blog should be done in the most concise manner! If visitors are not both engaged and able to get the full gist of any new updates quickly, they tend to leave the site! This is why Twitter is the ideal training ground for bloggers since when you post a tweet you are only allowed the use of 140 characters!

Let's look at 3 areas that Twitter helps anyone develop, simply through practice, that will give them the skills needed to be a good blogger!

Reduces Use of Words

Being too 'wordy' on the internet is the kiss of fate for any 'would-be' entrepreneur! Most people scan much more than they read when they're on the computer therefore when faced with a large block of text, you can kiss them good-bye! By using Twitter on the other hand you will quickly discover that to post a tweet, the characters you use are limited to 140! This is where you'll learn how to be 'concise' in what you have to say! Although this may be uncomfortable at first you'll quickly learn that to become a good blogger you must compose your updates in a similar fashion!

Increases Reader Focus

By virtue of having to 'consolidate' your thoughts when you post a tweet you're in fact delivering a more meaningful and interesting message! Remember there is now little or no 'fluff' in what you compose which helps you write content for your blog in much the same manner! In short this new writing skill is what you need to develop in order to become a good blogger!

Helps Develop Concise Message

Where concise is nice, you must also learn to engage your readers by quickly announcing your intentions and delivering your point! When writing content for your blog these are two things you MUST keep in mind whenever possible! On the other hand not all your subjects can be briefly stated but the point is to not 'mince' your words but rather use as few as possible to deliver your message! Using twitter makes you 'rethink' how you use words to best get your message across!

Learning to blog for most people is simply developing the 'habit' of getting your point across quickly and using Twitter can be a huge benefit! When writing content for your blog it is recommended to be as concise as possible and this is where Twitter can be very helpful! When you post a tweet the site has rules that limit your posts to 140 characters! Although this can be challenging for many at first it's amazing how quickly people are able to adapt! As our discussion above focuses on, these same writing 'skills' are what is needed to become a good blogger as well! When you consider that Twitter is also a great source of traffic as well as finding new content for your blog, it seems there's no reason NOT to use this site! Go ahead and post a tweet, if you blog you'll likely be glad you tweet as well!

This news article is brought to you by MOTORCYCLES - where latest news are our top priority.

Five SEO Tips: You Should Know

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Now, it is the time, every business (small or large, personal or organizational) running with a website is in great need of SEO. It is unbelievable your website pays you the best output without SEO. In order to show your website in Google or any other Search Engine's view, you must make a strong SEO platform. In a word, SEO creates the best discovering ways to amplify your website's appearance in search results.

If you want to make a powerful SEO base for your own website, you have to follow some tips. As my knowledge, the topmost five SEO tips you should follow are:

01. Keywords and Placement: Do research on what are the most appropriate keywords to describe your website's goal. Once you have selected the most suitable keywords, you are several steps ahead in the passage of amplifying your website. After selecting the keywords set, you must conscious of putting the keywords right through all the features of the website. You should think more about the features such as titles of website, rich content, URLs. The suitable places to set the keywords are title tag, page header, and page footer.

02. Combination of Internal Links: The best-valued and easiest plan for SEO is combination of internal links to the website. Make sure that all the links you have created are appropriate and working as they should be. In addition, you have to use the anchor text very responsive to Search Engines.

03. Rich Content: SEO experts are very conscious of website's content. Your website's content should be unique and fresh. You should include the content on your website's goal and services. The content should be updated on a regular basis. You must think to start a blog that enables you to add new and essential content.

04. Image and Site Map: By adding appropriate images on your site, you could get more traffic. While adding images be sure that every image is best suited to substance. If you add a site map on the Home Page of your website that consists of all other main pages' lists and links, Search Engines find your website more easily.

05. External Relationship: In order to get more traffic on your website external relationship is very important. To get external links to your website you may make special offer for other websites. It would be better if you contact personally with the webmasters of other websites to include a link to your website.

SEO is an art for improving your website's visitors as well as returns. In this post, I have tried to explain five basic and useful tips in a brief. There are many SEO tips to drive more traffic to your site. I would like to provide more SEO tips that are more necessary later.

This news article is brought to you by YARD AND EQUIPMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The History Of The Blog As We Know It

When we think of the sheer number and variety of blogs and bloggers on the web today it's quite surprising to learn that blogging only really took off around 10 years ago. The blog was first started in 1997 when Jorn Barger created the word "weblog", essentially an online log. In 1999, this was broken into the phrase "we blog" by Peter Merholz. The word blog is therefore a portmanteau of the term web log. This triggered a new addition to English vocabulary "blog", both as a noun and adjective and consequently "blogger", as a person who edits a weblog.

Blogs developed from online diaries or logs where people would write about their personal lives. Early blogs were simply additions to normal web sites which were updated manually. Gradually and with the arrival of blogging tools like Blogger in 1999, they grew in popularity. The platform Blogger is considered as the key tool in the rise and growth of blogging across the world. This was purchased by Google in August 2003.

Blogs then grew to be more interactive platforms rather than simply online diaries. They soon allowed other bloggers to comment and leave messages, making the whole blogging scene much more social than it had been.

Blogs have grown so much over recent years that genres and types of blogs have developed. While the personal blog is still the most common, corporate and business blogs have boomed over recent years. These are great marketing and brand tools to promote external communication with businesses. Subject-specific types such as health, fashion, music, parenting blogs are extremely popular today, often with huge-fan bases and offer a great platform to discuss related topics. There are even blogs created for specific devices, like mobile devices or one which integrate video blogging.

However, in recent years blogs have also been criticised for the political impact they have had in many countries. Political bloggers normally openly state their political opinions, hoping that those who share their opinions will follow them. Political blogging in Sweden has been considered as a major force since 2008, when protests which were sparked off in the blogging world managed to change the law in Sweden.

Today blogging has become a key social media tool and therefore an integral element of search engine marketing for businesses. They provide great opportunities for increasing brand awareness, gaining backlinks from relevant sites and promoting communication outside of companies.

This news article is brought to you by EXOTIC PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Does Your Blog Have a Business Development Strategy?

As a blogger it is wise to have some sort of business development strategy if you aspire to earn an income! The fact is that by simply leveraging the exposure your blog updates get, you can build a mailing list, which is ALWAYS recommended when working online! Another important factor in your eventual success will be to increase your exposure online which can also be done by blogging!

Let's look at 3 simple tactics you can use when posting blog updates that will help you achieve greater financial success as a blogger!

Join a List

By placing a simple request for readers to opt in at the conclusion of any blog update you can capture their contact information! The advantage this tactic gives you is that if people are reading this request you obviously already have their attention! Additionally by virtue of anyone reading your entire post you can assume they like what you have composed and therefore may be interested in seeing more of what you have to offer! This simple strategy can have a serious and positive effect on your ability to build a mailing list!

Spread the Word

Social networking is not only popular, but also a highly effective way to increase your exposure online! Tapping into the limitless potential viral marketing has to offer is an undeniable and very efficient way to create a dominant awareness of you or your business! Simply asking readers to 'share' what you have posted by using any easy to access 'networking' tabs you make available to them is simply genius! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain with this particular approach!

Leave a Comment

People quite often first look at any comments they may see upon landing on various blogging platforms! This is a 'barometer' of sorts many use to quickly verify how popular the site may be and being that social proof like this is even considered, whether it's right or wrong, gives comments value! Asking viewers their opinions or even for suggestions at the end of your blog updates serves to encourage them to leave a comment! In fact the more people you have doing so, the more others will be inclined to join in as well!

Having a business development strategy when blogging serves to only help accelerate your success on the internet! Two major keys to your success involve increasing your exposure online and also your ability to effectively build a mailing list! When blogging you can easily use your own blog updates to help accomplish these tasks and this is the focus of our discussion here today! Two of the most critical components you'll need to be successful are both addressed above and can be achieved by using these simple tactics! That is your exposure online and your ability to effectively build a mailing list! For just a teeny bit more effort at the end of each post you stand to benefit tenfold! What do you think?

How I Reduced My Bounce Rate From 67% to 0.38% and Doubled My Traffic by Making Small Changes!

This is the story of my blog. I used to be a lazy blogger, and used to post content irregularly. And, the domain name is on my name, it's too difficult to remember it. And my bounce rate used to be 60-70%! It's not cool, right? And I used to get somewhat less traffic. So, finally I've made some awesome changes. And, then I've doubled my traffic and my bounce rate decreased to 0.38%, isn't it cool?

In this article I'll show you what I did and what you can do, to double your traffic and reduce your bounce rate.

The first thing I did is, I've switched to a new domain, since my previous domain was somewhat difficult to remember. I've switched to a domain which is easy to remember and is catchy and not too long.

The second one is, I've migrated from Blogger to WordPress, and installed and installed the must have plugins and SEO plugins, like Akisment, All in One SEO, SEO Automatic Links etc....

The third one is I've installed an awesome theme and made some customization so that it looks unique! Also, I added some widget like, Recent posts, popular posts, search. I've created an archive page, about page and other important pages.

And finally I've setup a Feedburner account and Google Analytics account, so that I can track my stats.

And at last after I completed doing all the above things, the next day I've seen my Analytics, and it shocked me, I've seen that my traffic(page views) was doubled! and my bounce rate was decreased by 60 times, that is, it was decreased from 60-70% to 0.38%.

Now I'll tell you how you can double your traffic and reduce your bounce rate.

1. Pick a good domain name

Domain name is the main thing which matters while blogging/internet marketing, you shouldn't neglect it! If you have a bad domain name, then you better gotta change it, the domain name should be catchy, not too long, and it should be easy to remember. If you already have a good domain name, then there is no need to buy another domain, you can go with it!

2. Choose the best platform

Now the thing is to choose the best platform, if you want to get good results/profits in a short time then the best platform for you would be WordPress, because it has some awesome SEO plugins which makes your work easier! If you don't want to invest in getting hosting, then blogger would be better for you.

3. Get an awesome theme!

Now, finally get an awesome theme and customize it so that it looks unique. A good theme is really important because, it makes your visitors came back again and again, and can makes a casual visitor turn into a power visitor!

This news article is brought to you by PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART - where latest news are our top priority.

Tips On How To Blog And Where To Start

Where to set up your blog

Blogger and WordPress are the two main blogging sites. Blogger is owned by Google and it's free and hosted on Blogspot. WordPress is an open source website and it's also free.

If you choose to go with Blogger, just go to and set up an account for free. They host your site and you also have a lot of control in the design and look and feel of your blog. Blogger is owned by Google and hosted on Blogspot and your URL address will look like where "blogname" is whatever the name you choose for your blog.

If you choose to go with WordPress, there are two options using or is very similar to using blogger. You just go to to create an account and then you can start creating your blog. WordPress will host your site and your URL address will look like where "blogname" is whatever the name you choose for your blog.

If you're creating your blog for an online business, you should ideally have your blog on your own domain name which leads to the second option. With you will use your own domain and hosting with the WordPress platform. Your URL will look like where "blogname" is whatever the name you choose for your blog.

How to blog

You will need something to write about. Think of subjects your readers may want to know more about and then write about that. Maybe think back to questions you had when you were just starting out or things you wanted to know more about.

If you're wondering how to write a Blog for business, just write about whatever your blog niche is. How-to articles and Lists of Tips are always popular, for example "How To Blog" Other ideas are to start a series of articles on your particular blog niche, this will keep your visitors coming back.

Write to your readers as if you're talking to someone you know, be yourself, be genuine and you will build a trusted relationship with your readers. Also don't use the words I and me in your blog a lot, use the words you and yours instead, in other words talk to your readers instead of just talking about yourself.

Now you should know where to go to set up your blog and how to blog so that people will be excited to read what you have to say.

This article is brought to you by DATING.

Monday, May 28, 2012

6 Simple Steps to Becoming a Better Writer

Good writing doesn't happen overnight. You'll find plenty of examples of bloggers who think good writing simply means mastering the rules of grammar. Their blog posts are technically precise, but boring as hell. You'll also find plenty of examples of bloggers who think writing is secondary to good ideas. Not so. You're writing, so I would recommend you give ample attention to how to write.

Here are some tips for better writing that you can use today. I promise you, if you put these tips into use, and if you commit to them, you will see an improvement in your writing.

1. Read. Read. Read

Writers who don't read are fooling themselves. You have to read. I'm not talking about the next James Patterson thriller or your favorite romance novelist. I'm talking about highly crafted writing. If you don't like poetry, then look for personal essays with a literary flair. Check out The Sun magazine. Their website gives snippets of the essays or articles in the print magazine. You should also try The Atlantic or The New Yorker, both of which have very high quality writing.

Once you've done some of that fancy writing, go check out your favorite blogs and think about which posts are interesting and which aren't. Which posts keep you reading, and which do you give up on?

Don't just read, but think. Why did you stop reading an article or post? Was the language too stuffy? Was the vocabulary too impossible? Was it just flat-out boring? Do the same for articles or blog posts you loved. You'll have to think about why you like or dislike something if you're going to understand how to replicate it.

2. Writing is revising

Even the best writers in the world have to write terrible first drafts. Some of us edit as we write (which is actually a bad habit), but that takes talent and skill. Frankly, I don't recommend it. Far too often I trip myself up by trying to edit too early, and I never get any momentum.

Blogging seems to encourage writing off the cuff and then publishing without a second thought. Maybe you're a brilliant writer who can get away with that, but then I doubt you would've read this far if that were true. So accept the fact that your writing probably needs some work, and revise before you publish.

Writing is a craft. It's something you create, piece together. You don't get a special award for writing a perfect piece on the first try.

3. Imitate others

In the first tip, I mentioned replicating what you like in others' writing. Imitation is a critical part of learning how to write. Don't steal someone's material, but if you liked the way another blogger laid out a post, or if you loved how someone addressed a certain topic, then don't be afraid to do the same. If you feel weird copying someone else's writing techniques, then just think of it like they're your trainer, and you're practicing. Or think of it as a rehearsal.

4. Read the newspaper

Journalists have learned how to structure a story so that all of the most important information is at the top. They called it the inverted pyramid. Everything you need to know (the wide base of a standard pyramid) is at the top. The rest of the article slowly tapers to the pyramid's point, with increasingly specific - but nonessential - information. The benefit for journalists is twofold. First, people get everything they need to know if the first paragraph. If they want to move on to another article, then so be it. Second, when the editors need to cut an article for space, it's easy and acceptable to lop off the end, since that information is nonessential to the story.

Think about that for a minute. All of the most essential information - everything you really need to know about a story - is in the first paragraph of a newspaper article. That's intense! That's some seriously concise writing.

And that's what you can learn from newspapers as a blogger.

You don't need to use an inverted pyramid in your blog posts, but you should be concise with your language. If you're going to write 2,000 words, it should be a tight 2,000 words, not something you could just as effectively convey in 500 words.

5. Take a class

I put this at the end only because writing workshops can get expensive, and they're not always helpful. I've participated in several workshops, and it depends on the quality of the students and the quality of the leader.

However, a writing workshop should still teach you some fundamentals of good writing. You'll get feedback from your leader and feedback from your fellow students. It hardly hurts to have several sets of eyes looking for ways to improve your writing. Just be sure you don't take criticism personally.

6. Finally, practice writing everyday

The more you write, and the more you read, the better you'll get. I've been a student of the writing craft, both independently and as a college student, for 12 years now, and where I am today is worlds away from where I was when I started.

You will get better, but only if you commit.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Signature Statement, Personal Brands and Professional Headers on Websites

Designing a website for your business may be the easiest thing you've ever done. Really! It isn't difficult to find a free template on a free or low cost server and slap some keyword targeted lame copy on a domain. Any fool can do it. But, what about personalizing your page with content that brings people back to your brand?

If you're using a multiple-client site, driving traffic with articles or other content development to a site that was 'pre-filled' with content and graphics by a site host, you're probably not going to rise very high on page rank, search engines won't be promoting you for targeted copy, and brand recognition more than likely is MISSING from the site. So what can YOU do to improve your traffic?

Bloggers know the secret to driving high volume traffic using signature statements, personal brand and professional headers on their websites. So, let's share some of these valuable secrets right here.

Signature Statement -

Not only should your 'signature statement' or elevator speech or verbal recognition factor be stated IN the header graphic, but in the settings as a tagline, you need to ADD your signature statement. So what is your signature statement?

  • Metro Denver Real Estate Deals Done Right.
  • Real Estate Guy in shorts.
  • Professional 'expert' writer.
  • Pages of Parenthood with Brenna
  • Single Parent Resource Magazine.

These are sample tag lines, brand identifiers, that are already in use on various blog sites.

Personal Brands -

You may think one is enough, but most business owners actually have a few brands they use to build visible recognition on the Internet. Your personal brand could be as simple as using your photo in every signature. Or perhaps you'd rather have a product line brand that retains visibility with your signature. A good friend of mine uses a pink painted daisy as her signature. A family blogger uses a cryptic stick figure family representative of her two teenagers, her toddler and their greyhound dog. Another blogger uses her scripted pen branded by her website as her personal brand. Whatever you use in your personal brand, it isn't as important that you use it every time you send a message as it is that the personal brand be highly visible on your own website and also in links from other people's websites.

Professional Headers -

Bloggers need professional, personalized graphic headers on their blogs. Some scenic setting is great, if it relates to the topic at hand. If the blog is personal, have a graphic artist add in your photo. If the blog is professional, a nice logo overlay is okay. Whatever you want to do with the header, is really okay - provided it says SOMETHING about your business or about your personal brand. Brand recognition is a valuable and useful kind of content that allows readers to readily recognize you online.

Promote your blog space with quality topics your readers can connect to their lives.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Top 5 Best Ways to Protect Your Copyrighted Blogger Content

With an open and free internet there are inevitably many people interested in copying content (articles, blog posts, images, etc.) and using it on their website or blog without giving the original author the slightest bit of credit. In this article we shall discuss five fast and efficient tactics you can employ to stop, prevent and protect yourself from becoming a victim of content thieves.

1. The first and easiest step is to include your name, username and website with a blog or article link at the bottom of your posts. This tactic is useful in combating content scrapers. Content scrapers are websites, companies or people who automatically copy your content (articles, blog posts, etc.) using ordinary software to feature it on their website without giving you credit. There may be some exceptions when a person will copy your work and give you credit but it's good to protect against those who do not. By including your name and website details you help ensure that automatic copies of your content will credit you as the author.

2. After you finish carrying out step one, find out if anyone is copying your content and pasting it elsewhere on the net. Navigate to your favorite blog post, highlight one of your unique sentences, right click, select copy then head over to Google[dot]com and paste it in their search field. If the sentence you use is too long Google will not accept it, but if it is too short your search will not be narrow enough to pertain specifically to your blog.

Copying each sentence out of every blog post on a daily basis to check for violators would be a tedious if not horrendous task. That is where Google Alerts comes in. They automate the daily searches scanning the net for you even while you sleep, work or take a day off. And the moment something comes up, they will email you to let you know that your content is being posted elsewhere.

Visit to see what we are talking about.

3. The next step is contacting the person who is hosting your copyrighted content without your permission. To find the owner of a specific website you will need to visit Whois[dot]net and type in the domain name your interested in. If their information is public the Whois website will give you the owners name, company, email address and contact number.

4. The last and final steps take action against those who refuse to remove your content or give you credit as the original author. Make sure that you've tried everything to resolve your complaint before filing a report. But if you have already contacted the webmaster via their domain registration info, a contact form on their website, Facebook, Twitter or any other way and they refuse to comply, you can file a report through their Google Adsense.


A. Look for a Google AdSense ad
B. Click on the "Ads by Google" text at the bottom of that ad
C. Scroll down to "Report a policy violation regarding the site or ads you just saw"
D. Select "the website"
E. Notice "Report policy violation"
F. Click on the "DMCA complaint" at the end of the sentence directly below the phrase found in step
G. Click on the "Infringement notification form" in the middle of the page.
H. Fill out the report form
I. Click "Submit" to file your complaint

If your infringement report is respected, the violators AdSense account will be terminated.

5. If your content has been stolen by someone and you cannot communicate with them or they refuse to give you credit, go ahead and visit the "Remove Content from Google" page at:

Select "Web Search" then "I have a legal issue that is not mentioned above" and finish your request. Google will attempt to contact the accused webmaster on your behalf and will take action if that person does not respond.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Pinterest and Social Media Marketing

Pinterest is becoming one of the most popular social media marketing sites. Currently it boasts over 5 million users and its popularity is growing daily. And no wonder - the inter-connectivity with Facebook and Twitter gives it substantial exposure and increases the ease in which you can follow another's boards and they can follow yours.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a pinboard-style social website that allows you to manage theme-based collections. Users can browse another's pinboards and "re-pin" photos to their own boards. As Pinterest becomes more popular so does its business opportunity as a promising marketing platform. Many large retail companies use Pinterest as a tool for online referrals that link users with similar interests to a company.

How Does Pinterest Work?

A pin-it interface is installed to your browser. When you see something you like, you can pin it directly to one of your boards. You can opt to follow another's board and, friends and business associates can likewise follow your boards.

Tagging also works for Pinterest. Others can leave comments, making your page a more popular and busy one. Repinning is effective in directing traffic to your webpage.

The use of Pinterest social media marketing is an excellent strategy to obtain more traffic. As of January 2012 more clients visited webpages from Pinterest than the mixed traffic from LinkedIn, Google Plus, Youtube, and others.

Some things you need to know for online marketing.

Pinterest is physically attractive. Unlike other social sites, it focuses more on appearance. If you have nothing on your page that is attractive, you should rethink your strategy. Choose visually enticing photos and texts to pin.

Limiting your pins to your offers is not a good idea. Images from different genres provide variety and interest to your boards.

Likes and comments can work wonders. Be generous in noting good things that other users have published and try to mention them. Compliments are a good start in establishing rapport and business relationships.

Links posted on Pinterest can be followed. Google does follow links so use appropriate keywords when creating a pin.

The use of info-graphics is excellent. Info-graphics are favored among pinners. If you are good in creating memes, start posting them on your page so that others will see them, and who knows, it can be viral.

To wrap it us, Pinterest is still a fairly new site and general rules and guidelines are still evolving. It's best to follow good general guidelines applicable to any social site. Pinterest is a format designed to share pins, but occasionally someone might ask you to remove a pin because of a copyright issue. Pins found outside of Pinterest can be shared via Facebook and Twitter. Also images can be embedded on a blog using the embed tool Pinterest provides. This ensures the credits and source of the pin stays intact.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What You Need to Know About Disclosure and Your Blog

The Federal Trade Commission recently passed new regulations requiring adequate disclosure on web marketing strategies and reviews. While it can seem like extra effort, this step is necessary to protect consumers throughout the internet world. If you're endorsing or reviewing a product on your site, you are still responsible for creating and displaying a disclosure about the product or service, so it's vital that you understand what your disclosures should display in your blog.

Disclosures are designed to prevent misleading consumers about a product or service being advertised, even if it's just in a discussion within a blog. These disclosures must be both clear and visibly blatant on the same page of a company blog, to avoid any discrepancy or confusion by the reader. This means you can't always use hyperlinks that redirect readers to another page.

Stay within the guidelines

To accomplish this, there are a few steps you should take to stay within the regulations and ensure your blog remains customer and federally friendly.

1. First of all, you need to place disclosures close to or at least on the same page that the triggering claims have been made.

2. Use text or other visual cues that inform the reader that they need to scroll down or up on a web page in order to view the disclosures.

3. When text and other data is lengthy and may include videos and pictures, a secondary disclosure is recommended at the end of the blog to prevent any confusion and to stay within regulatory guidelines.

4. In this case, where you have previously made a disclosure within the same document, you can create a hyperlink to a separate disclosure in order to conserve space.

5. Other items within your blog cannot distract attention from the disclosure. This means that you can't utilize advertisements or popups that would cover a disclosure.

6. In order to make the disclosure as recognizable as possible, include it within a banner or use contrasting colors to emphasize its importance.

7. If you're taking advantage of video or audio blogs such as YouTube or even Facebook video uploads, your disclosure should also be in video or audio format. But, it must also remain clear and concise so avoid placing it only at the end of your video or audio blog. Instead, incorporate it into your video in combination with what you're saying or advertising.

8. Always use clear language and grammar when disclosing. While these methods may seem to apply to those advertising products or services through their blogs, it covers every aspect of advertising- from businesses with a company blog to non-profit organizations that are just promoting their efforts.

Keep in mind that blogging and even social media incorporates advertising at some point during the blogging. You may be advertising your own product or another company's, but it is vital that you take the time to consider what your blog is stating and if you need to reference a disclosure to protect your business or non-profit organization.

Disclosing references as well

Blogs are a great source for advertising in an indirect way. Many blogs cover information related to their company, but don't necessarily endorse a product or service. While in this situation it may be unnecessary to create a disclosure since you aren't endorsing a product, you should still post a disclosure that information in your blog is opinion related so as to cover all bases. And if you do post facts, be sure to credit them to a source along with a disclosure. This is something that has been widely overlooked in the social media world as Facebook users (mostly private individuals) post quotes, pictures, or even videos without offering a reference.

Utilizing a reference can be especially helpful in controlling disclosure issues. If you utilize previously posted or even copyrighted data (any internet source complies with copyright regulations) you definitely need to post a reference for any information gathered. This could even apply to consumer referrals that you post or discuss within your blog. Just be sure to protect yourself by giving credit where credit is due.

According to these new regulations, businesses and non-profit organizations need to start creating and applying disclosures to every aspect of their online marketing strategies. Blogs are amongst the most overlooked applications of these regulations, but it's important to every consumer that they be protected from misleading information. Do your part and tell your readers and customers exactly what they're getting when they read your blog.

This news article is brought to you by FISH OIL FOR BLOOD PRESSURE? - where latest news are our top priority.

What Is Blogging About?

The answer to this question is indeed simple but only if you understand its meaning. Blog stands for web log which is a type of internet service. People who write blogs are known as bloggers. It provides an opportunity to the bloggers to post content online which are usually theme based. It can be considered to be a diary where you can write your views. They are reverse in chronological order. They were initially started in the 1990s and they gained immense popularity in 2004. It is a type of social networking site which the bloggers can use for their personal or professional purpose. Some publishers use their blogs to advertise and publish their books. The books that are published using blogs are known as "Blooks".

Different Types Of Blogs Are Given Below:

Blogs are mainly of two types. The first type of blogs are personal blogs where the bloggers write some of their life's important events. The second type of blogs are the corporation or organizational blogs. The organizational blogs are mostly used for advertising purposes. The organizational bloggers are generally businessmen, servicemen, and so on. They want to advertise their products and keep their viewers updated on different business events taking place. They can also use their blogs to advertise customer or sales comments. This is to help people read about a particular product before they purchase it.

The personal blogs are mostly used to update the bloggers' family members, friends and relatives about the latest events going on in their lives. Some people also use personal blogs to vent their frustration by expressing their feelings and thoughts.

Rules of Conduct

  • You will be responsible for all the activities done on your blog. This includes the comments your viewers leave and the comments left by you.
  • Make it clear to all your visitors that no abuse will be tolerated.
  • You should immediately clear off all offensive and annoying comments.
  • If you find a person giving negative or offensive comments then caution them immediately.
  • If you want to say some personal things to someone, don't use blogs to do so.

Now, have you got the answer to what is blogging? Those who know how to make full use of blogging find it really interesting. Moreover, blogs can be financially beneficial for your business and organization. On the other hand, you will receive negative comments if you show your anger or frustration on your blog. Keeping your blog clean and avoiding negative comments will help you build a good reputation. It will also create a positive impression on those people who read your blog.

This news article is brought to you by MEMORY-TRAINING - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Writing a Blog Post People Talk About

When writing a blog post it is important to make the effort to produce something that can create a buzz amongst your readers! By doing so it is more likely what you wrote will go viral on the internet thereby presenting additional opportunities for you to get more traffic to your site!

Here are 3 suggested approaches you can use when writing content as a blogger that will become 'buzz worthy' enough to get more traffic landing on your site!

Counter Popular Opinion

Consciously choose to be different by adopting a stance that goes against popular opinion! This is one of the surest ways to stand out as a blogger by simply taking a stance not commonly taken! By presenting good 'reasons' as to why you feel the way you do can and likely will help your post go viral! Getting your blog talked about in and around the internet community is possibly the best way to get more traffic visiting your platform! The best part is little or no additional effort is required by you!

Shock Readers

Stating the 'unexpected' always gets noticed and this can be easily done when creating any content you choose to publish! For the most part people enjoy and are accustom to viewing material that is informative or makes them feel good and/or inspired! When posting to your site make the effort to use titles as well as content that 'slaps' readers in the face insofar as using shocking statements or statistics! If what you post is both accurate and relevant there is little doubt that you can create a buzz within the community! Here too it's simply a matter of now letting others 'spread the word' while you sit back and wait for any new visitors to stop by and see what others are talking about!

Try Candor

Being candid in many cases is not only refreshing but will also catch the attention of others! Maintaining a certain 'political correctness' simply serves to help you 'fit in' while on the other hand sharing your opinion can easily raise some eyebrows! All too often most people are too concerned with saying the 'right' things but as a blogger you need to cast that concern aside! If you have an opinion about something, share it, and if it's one that is not commonly held, all the better! Remember your key to building a successful blogging platform is dependent upon standing out! Writing in any way you can that will make you or what you wrote different is the best way to create a buzz! Of course once this buzz has been created your work is done!

Writing a blog post that can create a buzz with the readers on your site is the first step in getting it to go viral on the internet! When people see or read anything that doesn't conform to what we deem as the norm, they are compelled to talk about it! As a blogger this is what you want since once your content does go viral, it typically helps to get more traffic heading toward your platform! Creating updates that capture the attention of others can be done by using any or all of the 3 approaches discussed here today! As any blogger knows there is always the need to get more traffic to their site but when you can do that tapping into the efforts of others, well all the better!

Top Three Ways To Make Money Blogging

Blogging has become a popular way for people to try to generate some income online. Unfortunately, the vast majority of bloggers fail to make a decent amount of money for all the work and effort put into maintaining their blogs. There are many things to take into account when attempting to make money blogging, and finding the best solution for an individual blog will take time and experimentation with different techniques. This article will explain the three top ways to monetize a blog.

1. Direct Sales

This is by far the best approach for generating the most amount of money. A blog can and should be more than just a series of articles. Many of the top earning blogs all offer products or services in addition to what is offered for free online. Finding a specific niche that one is passionate and knowledgeable about can offer huge rewards from readers that want to learn more. A well maintained blog with quality articles can attract a loyal following that increases in numbers every month, one which will be more than willing to contribute for a quality product offered by said blog.

2. Affiliate Programs

If the blogger has no products or services to offer firsthand, then advertising another person's product for a commission is a good alternative. Just like with step one, many readers will be willing to purchase a quality product recommended by a good blog. There are a few things to keep in mind, though. Make sure that the product offered is related to what the blog is about and that it is actually something worth buying. Offering unrelated and inferior products is a quick way to lose followers and traffic.

3. Advertising

This is the one that most people will hear about and consider first. The most popular way of selling advertisements is through Google's AdSense program, in which the blogger gets paid a certain amount for each click the ads generate. This may sound like an easy way to make money, and it is, granted the blog has a high amount of traffic every month. However, therein lies the problem with this approach. Yes, having a lot of traffic is important for all three steps, but the amount paid per click is too low to be considered a realistic way of making a living by blogging.

As with most things, finding the best approach requires experimenting with and combining each of the steps above. For example, while advertising alone may not generate a decent amount of money, it can enhance the amount of money made per month by combining it with an affiliate program. Another popular enhancement for making money through a blog is to simply ask the readers for a contribution. It's simple to add a PayPal link to a website, and many would be willing to donate money to a blog that offers quality material.

This news article is brought to you by WOMENS LIKES AND INTERESTS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How To Earn Money From Blogging Online

Do you want to learn how to earn money from blogging? If so, you will find that it is much simpler than you think. Blogging is basically a type of online diary that the owner can use for pleasure or business. There are many people, from all around the world, have already found ways to monetize their web log to earn some extra cash or even a full-time salary.

To learn exactly how to earn money from blogging, there are a few things that you need to do. Below is a list of things that you need to do.

  • Start a blog.
  • Monetize it.
  • Maintain it.

When choosing a blog, you can choose that are hosted for free, such as You can also start your very own from scratch, such as self-hosted WordPress. That is if you are a little technical savvy. The next step is to figure out what you are going to write about which will attract visitors to read. Next, find web services that could help to promote your blog.

Get involved with postings on other blogs because it will help people to find out more about you and drive more traffic to your website. You will need that something which will encourage search engines to make it easier to find you. Once this has taken place, chances of earning money will increase.

Monetizing and Maintaining Your Blog

When you are ready to monetize your blog, you may find that it is much more beneficial to sign up with Google Adsense. When you sign up with them, they will allow you to put advertisements on your blog and every time it is clicked by a visitor, you will earn money. Before you can put up an advertisement, you must get approval from Google first. This may take up to several days or a week.

While waiting for the approval, look for other companies that will pay you to advertise their advertisements on your blog. You could even join affiliate programs to increase your earning potential. To maintain and generate constant traffic, you must ensure to update your blog regularly. There are still many other ways to improve and bring in more visitors.

The last important thing is to advertise. Once you have started earning money from your blog, you might consider paying for an advertising service, such as SEO service, that will generate more traffic to your site.

This news article is brought to you by TAXES BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Use These 6 Tips to Create A Great Blog

As with anything in life, first impressions are critical when it comes to blogs. If people arrive on your blog and don't like the look or feel of what they find there, then it's time to make a change.

Here are 6 tips on how to create a great blog that people will want to revisit, time and time again.

Sidebars need to be simple. This means no extra clutter and ideally just one sidebar. If you cannot fit everything onto the one, then go for two by all means, but think about what you need to show. Take a look at some of the blogs of the A-grade bloggers to discover how they are handling their sidebars.

White background. Some people prefer using a darker background with white text, but it has been recognised that using white with black text is actually best. This is because people are used to books and newspapers with black on white, and therefore feel more comfortable with this arrangement.

Use colours on your links. Don't force people to do things. There is nothing more likely to make people want to leave your site than to force them to endure videos, or to move them to a page they don't want to be on. Even pop-ups can be irritating and should be used sparingly.

Be clear about your purpose. It's key to communicate rapidly what your blog is about. Within the first few seconds a visitor should be able to tell whether they have arrived on the right page for the information that they are looking for. If you use WordPress, then make the most of the slogan field that can hold a tag that can clearly communicate what your blog is about.

Know what your blog is about yourself. What is the purpose of your blog? Is it to generate leads, to improve your credibility or to create an income stream through advertising. Whatever the purpose of your blog, you need to implement your ideas to be in line with your objective.

Navigation should be easy. Some website have such terrible navigation that it's almost impossible to find what content the blog has, let alone seek out a particular piece of content. There are various widgets and tools that can feature the most recent or most popular blog posts and these should be utilised in your sidebars. If you are suffering from navigation troubles then consider using the thesis or Genesis WordPress themes. They are easy to customise so that you can build your blog exactly as you wish it to be. Remember that the more widgets you add, the slower the blog will run, which could turn people away. Use plug-ins such as W3 Total Cache which will empty your cache so that it runs as fast as possible.

In summary, keep your blog simple, regularly updated and running fast. You'll please readers and then will continue to earn their loyalty and regular visits to your blog.

This news article is brought to you by CUSTODY OF A CHILD - where latest news are our top priority.

Why Blogs Have So Much Sales Success

The sales success that internet marketing blogs enjoy continues to be embraced by those with a serious intent of becoming successful online! Although the use of this particular marketing platform typically does NOT bring immediate results, the business it does generate is longer lasting! So exactly why do internet marketing blogs have such an appeal or seem to be so effective? Here are 3 big reasons why!


This is the initial attraction needed to gain the attention of viewers and it appeals to their 'what's in it for me' attitude! Internet marketing blogs usually publish information relevant to a particular topic and do so freely! This lack of 'commitment' visitors have to view any content is the first and most important step needed to begin building a more trusting relationship with them! The better the quality of the content being offered the more effective the site will be as a marketing platform!

Builds Interest

The more that people return to a particular blogging platform the greater their interest is as it tends to grow with each visit! The key to becoming successful when blogging for money is to focus ONLY on products or services that are relevant to the theme or topic the site is based upon! In doing so internet marketing blogs are then able to build reader interest simple by publishing good quality but relevant content! It simply stands to reason that the more people 'voluntarily' expose themselves to information that focuses on a certain subject matter the more interest they must have or will eventually build up!

With Trust Comes Sales

Promotional effectiveness is HUGE for anyone working online but as a blogger the point is to be subtle and use the confidence and trust you've developed with readers! The fact is that the confidence visitors now have in you due to the free and useful content you've been supplying will now impact your selling efforts! The use of aggressive sales copy is not needed at this point but rather a mere 'suggestion' is all that's required and is what results in making your site such an effective marketing platform! You've shown a willingness to freely 'help' visitors while also building your credibility on the subject matter! Now viewers will more seriously consider any offers you make since you are regarded as a trusted authority!

There is no mystery behind the sales success of internet marketing blogs other than the strategies employed are typically non-aggressive! One of the most important aspects involved in becoming successful selling anything online is developing trust with those who visit your site! This is where using a blog as your marketing platform offers 'built-in' advantages! Our discussion above concerns how bloggers must first attract people with something useful without any apparent attempt to be selling anything! The more information that is offered in this way the greater the trust people have which leads to making future selling efforts so much easier! Once trust is established folks will continue to return to view additional content giving the blogger multiple chances to make product offers! In a nutshell the ability to develop loyalty in this way is exactly what makes any blog a highly effective marketing platform!

This news article is brought to you by BABY-BOOMERS - where latest news are our top priority.

The Top 5 Best Free Blogging Sites

Blogging is by far the most popular form of web presence today. An issue many new bloggers face is choosing the right platform to meet their needs. There are 2 very distinct types of blogging sites - the one's you host yourself and pay a hosting fee for, and the free blogging sites, such as Tumblr, LiveJournal and WordPress.

This article will detail the five most popular free blogging sites and give insight into what is good and bad about them to hopefully empower those with information to help choose a free blogging site.

The Top 5 Best Free Blogging Sites


Google's free blogging site, Blogger is the choice of many who are starting out in the blogosphere. Its clean interface makes it a big hit with those who are focused on writing posts. This feature is what makes Blogger one of the best blogging sites.

Blogger offers the user an array of attractive templates during the sign-up process and provides a drag-and-drop tool to move elements around the sidebar. Widgets to add followers and keep track of stats are handy and useful for those who do not want to touch code. Settings are clear and easy to find, and the writing area is large and free of distractions. A custom domain name may be added at no extra charge.

The major disadvantage to Blogger is the lack of direct connection to social media. Each post must be manually tweeted and added to Facebook, which could be tiresome for those who post a lot.


WordPress is available as a managed platform like Blogger or as a self-hosted option using a provider of the user's choice. For example, my website uses the WordPress platform which is free, but I pay a hosting company a monthly fee so that I have more freedom and flexibility with my site's design and features. The managed option is best for those who are new to blogging, and that is what will be outlined here.

WordPress is one of the best blogging sites because of its fast, hassle-free sign-up process. Much like Blogger, a new user can be blogging within a matter of minutes, with many beautiful themes to choose from. Where the platforms differ is in the amount of tinkering that can be done on the backend. WordPress restricts the editing of theme templates and CSS to those who pay an extra $30 per year. Custom domains add anywhere from $13 to $18 per year to the cost of the site. Some users find migrating to self-hosted WordPress to be a less expensive option.

While WordPress is not the cheapest of blogging sites around, it is a good starting point for business owners or others who wish to make a name for themselves. The platform offers excellent SEO and new sites are usually indexed within days due to WordPress' exceptionally high Page Rank (PR9), which is why it is one of the top blogging sites.


Tumblr rose from a stylish upstart to a brand name in a little over five years. It now boasts more active sites than WordPress and has attracted the likes of actors, CEOs and photographers. It is considered to be one of the best blogging sites for art and digital media.

Tumblr offers a zippy sign-up process that only requires an email address and has many gorgeous free themes. This platform's major attraction is the post formats, which offer ease of posting links, photos, videos, chats and quotes. Tumblr is natively integrated with Twitter and Facebook, and it will automatically send updates with each new post. Users can have multiple blogs.

The only disadvantage to Tumblr is its reliability. It has suffered through lengthy downtimes and is often overcapacity, which can take it off the list of best blogging sites for some people.


Posterous is a hybrid between a traditional blog and Tumblr. Users can sign up with an email address and are presented with a simple blog layout that can be easily edited from the backend. It is known as one of the best blogging sites due to the ability to update from anywhere. Like Tumblr, it is well-integrated with social media.

One major con of Posterous is the lack of clarity regarding the creation of new blogs and it can be difficult to delete them later. The platform was recently acquired by Twitter and is undergoing transition.


LiveJournal is the oldest blogging platform on the web and has seen a great decline in its user base since WordPress came along. It is still considered to be one of the top starter blogging sites.

While LiveJournal is still very much in use and is more community-based than other platforms, its lack of themes and social media features as well as general clunkiness make it one of the less-desirable blogging sites. Its one strong advantage is the commenting feature is limited to community members, which reduces spam and trolling. Most new bloggers will probably want to start out with something nicer, like Blogger or Tumblr.

Best Blogging Sites Conclusion

The blogging sites highlighted above are a great starting point for anyone looking to build their first blog. One thing to remember, these sites are all free, so if you can't decide which blogging platform to start with based on the above information, sign up for an account at each and give each one a test run!

As a side note, many experienced web marketers sustain multiple blogging sites and "inter-link" them to boost their web presence in the search engines by what is known as a "Link Wheel" - but that's a whole different topic we will leave for another day!

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

An Official College Blog As a Marketing Tool

Maintaining an official college blog for enrollment marketing may be a powerful tool for community colleges to drive new students in their direction. It provides an opportunity for any college, whether a virtual college offering distance education degrees or a community college, to reach out not only to present students, but potential new students as a powerful form of outreach. If it is done right, that is.

Enrollment marketing through a college blog provides the department an opportunity to go into some depth and detail about the value, vision, and character of the college itself. Unlike thirty-second commercials or slick catalogs, a blog should speak both to present students, as well as potential new students, and as such, provide a valuable resource while developing a positive brand. Maintaining a blog provides the opportunity not only to keep present students excited about the various opportunities available academically, on campus, through financial aid, or as part of student life; it can also be a powerful tool for promotion, public relations, and enrollment marketing.

Through the personal content of both a regularly updated college blog, as well as microblogging via Twitter or Facebook status updates, visitors to your college website are more likely to identify with the college brand; and the more they become familiar with what the institution represents, the more likely they are to enroll. Of course, a blog should provide plenty of opportunities for visitors to link to a form in order to request further information or even to use an online enrollment application.

Using media other than writing is also useful in a college blog for enrollment marketing purposes. Photographs of the campus, student and faculty; video about the college (linking video to a YouTube account to post on your blog could be a highly effective enrollment marketing tool); podcasts featuring updates or interviews with faculty, staff, and students; polls and surveys; as well as quality links to other college resources are ways any college can make its online presence more effective for recruiting new students.

A blog that merely links to other blogs is insufficient, as is a blog that merely features guest writers. Purely formal blogs packed with abstract and dry content are not as attractive as are more informal but informative college blogs. Your blog should also not go for days without being updated. Regular, hopefully daily updates are required. The college blog should be colorful, professional, but also familiar, unpretentious, concise, and relevant. If it embodies these factors, it may be used as a powerful way to build brand, keep students informed, and boost enrollment marketing by recruiting new students, as well.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Online Dating Made Simple - 3 Tips to Simply Using Online Dating Sites to Meet Women

online dating can be a really simple way for a guy who has run out of ideas to meet women to actually connect and interact with single women. You don't even have to be someone who has run out of ideas, you might just prefer using a platform other than the normal bar scene to meet a woman. However, as simple as it may be, a lot of men find that it ends up being harder than they had hoped it would be. Some will even feel that way before they even get started and hopefully, that does not happen to you. If it does, there are things that you can do that will simplify the process of using online dating sites to meet women.

Here are 3 tips that I think you will find makes it a lot easier to meet women on the internet:

1) Don't just opt for one site and one site only.

When you first start out, you may want to try using just one site to get a feel for what you are doing and how to make yourself stand out. However, you might find that the first site that you choose doesn't seem to have the selection that you are looking for, or that the number of women who are available in your area is just too little. If that is the case, then you may want to try a couple of other sites if you can. Kind of like going to one bar and seeing that it is dead and then deciding to make the rounds to a few other bars to see if they are more lively.

2) Do try your best to start conversations with women online.

Using a web based platform to meet women is no magic bullet where you are automatically going to just attract female attention. You are going to have to try and make things happen and that means that you need to be able to start conversations with women and see how it flows from there. Don't worry if you don't get it right on the first few women you try to connect with. There will be more.

3) Don't forget that what you really need to do is to make a woman want to get to know you in person.

It's great that you can use your computer to connect with someone and you can have some fun flirting with a woman online, but if you really want to see some magic in your dating life, then you are going to have to advance off of the computer and meet up face to face. Don't forget that.