Friday, May 25, 2012

Top 5 Best Ways to Protect Your Copyrighted Blogger Content

With an open and free internet there are inevitably many people interested in copying content (articles, blog posts, images, etc.) and using it on their website or blog without giving the original author the slightest bit of credit. In this article we shall discuss five fast and efficient tactics you can employ to stop, prevent and protect yourself from becoming a victim of content thieves.

1. The first and easiest step is to include your name, username and website with a blog or article link at the bottom of your posts. This tactic is useful in combating content scrapers. Content scrapers are websites, companies or people who automatically copy your content (articles, blog posts, etc.) using ordinary software to feature it on their website without giving you credit. There may be some exceptions when a person will copy your work and give you credit but it's good to protect against those who do not. By including your name and website details you help ensure that automatic copies of your content will credit you as the author.

2. After you finish carrying out step one, find out if anyone is copying your content and pasting it elsewhere on the net. Navigate to your favorite blog post, highlight one of your unique sentences, right click, select copy then head over to Google[dot]com and paste it in their search field. If the sentence you use is too long Google will not accept it, but if it is too short your search will not be narrow enough to pertain specifically to your blog.

Copying each sentence out of every blog post on a daily basis to check for violators would be a tedious if not horrendous task. That is where Google Alerts comes in. They automate the daily searches scanning the net for you even while you sleep, work or take a day off. And the moment something comes up, they will email you to let you know that your content is being posted elsewhere.

Visit to see what we are talking about.

3. The next step is contacting the person who is hosting your copyrighted content without your permission. To find the owner of a specific website you will need to visit Whois[dot]net and type in the domain name your interested in. If their information is public the Whois website will give you the owners name, company, email address and contact number.

4. The last and final steps take action against those who refuse to remove your content or give you credit as the original author. Make sure that you've tried everything to resolve your complaint before filing a report. But if you have already contacted the webmaster via their domain registration info, a contact form on their website, Facebook, Twitter or any other way and they refuse to comply, you can file a report through their Google Adsense.


A. Look for a Google AdSense ad
B. Click on the "Ads by Google" text at the bottom of that ad
C. Scroll down to "Report a policy violation regarding the site or ads you just saw"
D. Select "the website"
E. Notice "Report policy violation"
F. Click on the "DMCA complaint" at the end of the sentence directly below the phrase found in step
G. Click on the "Infringement notification form" in the middle of the page.
H. Fill out the report form
I. Click "Submit" to file your complaint

If your infringement report is respected, the violators AdSense account will be terminated.

5. If your content has been stolen by someone and you cannot communicate with them or they refuse to give you credit, go ahead and visit the "Remove Content from Google" page at:

Select "Web Search" then "I have a legal issue that is not mentioned above" and finish your request. Google will attempt to contact the accused webmaster on your behalf and will take action if that person does not respond.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

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