Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How I Reduced My Bounce Rate From 67% to 0.38% and Doubled My Traffic by Making Small Changes!

This is the story of my blog. I used to be a lazy blogger, and used to post content irregularly. And, the domain name is on my name, it's too difficult to remember it. And my bounce rate used to be 60-70%! It's not cool, right? And I used to get somewhat less traffic. So, finally I've made some awesome changes. And, then I've doubled my traffic and my bounce rate decreased to 0.38%, isn't it cool?

In this article I'll show you what I did and what you can do, to double your traffic and reduce your bounce rate.

The first thing I did is, I've switched to a new domain, since my previous domain was somewhat difficult to remember. I've switched to a domain which is easy to remember and is catchy and not too long.

The second one is, I've migrated from Blogger to WordPress, and installed and installed the must have plugins and SEO plugins, like Akisment, All in One SEO, SEO Automatic Links etc....

The third one is I've installed an awesome theme and made some customization so that it looks unique! Also, I added some widget like, Recent posts, popular posts, search. I've created an archive page, about page and other important pages.

And finally I've setup a Feedburner account and Google Analytics account, so that I can track my stats.

And at last after I completed doing all the above things, the next day I've seen my Analytics, and it shocked me, I've seen that my traffic(page views) was doubled! and my bounce rate was decreased by 60 times, that is, it was decreased from 60-70% to 0.38%.

Now I'll tell you how you can double your traffic and reduce your bounce rate.

1. Pick a good domain name

Domain name is the main thing which matters while blogging/internet marketing, you shouldn't neglect it! If you have a bad domain name, then you better gotta change it, the domain name should be catchy, not too long, and it should be easy to remember. If you already have a good domain name, then there is no need to buy another domain, you can go with it!

2. Choose the best platform

Now the thing is to choose the best platform, if you want to get good results/profits in a short time then the best platform for you would be WordPress, because it has some awesome SEO plugins which makes your work easier! If you don't want to invest in getting hosting, then blogger would be better for you.

3. Get an awesome theme!

Now, finally get an awesome theme and customize it so that it looks unique. A good theme is really important because, it makes your visitors came back again and again, and can makes a casual visitor turn into a power visitor!

This news article is brought to you by PHOTOGRAPHY AS ART - where latest news are our top priority.

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