Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tips On How To Blog And Where To Start

Where to set up your blog

Blogger and WordPress are the two main blogging sites. Blogger is owned by Google and it's free and hosted on Blogspot. WordPress is an open source website and it's also free.

If you choose to go with Blogger, just go to blogger.com and set up an account for free. They host your site and you also have a lot of control in the design and look and feel of your blog. Blogger is owned by Google and hosted on Blogspot and your URL address will look like blogname.blogspot.com where "blogname" is whatever the name you choose for your blog.

If you choose to go with WordPress, there are two options using WordPress.com or WordPress.org.

WordPress.com is very similar to using blogger. You just go to WordPress.com to create an account and then you can start creating your blog. WordPress will host your site and your URL address will look like blogname.wordpress.com where "blogname" is whatever the name you choose for your blog.

If you're creating your blog for an online business, you should ideally have your blog on your own domain name which leads to the second option. With WordPress.org you will use your own domain and hosting with the WordPress platform. Your URL will look like blogname.com where "blogname" is whatever the name you choose for your blog.

How to blog

You will need something to write about. Think of subjects your readers may want to know more about and then write about that. Maybe think back to questions you had when you were just starting out or things you wanted to know more about.

If you're wondering how to write a Blog for business, just write about whatever your blog niche is. How-to articles and Lists of Tips are always popular, for example "How To Blog" Other ideas are to start a series of articles on your particular blog niche, this will keep your visitors coming back.

Write to your readers as if you're talking to someone you know, be yourself, be genuine and you will build a trusted relationship with your readers. Also don't use the words I and me in your blog a lot, use the words you and yours instead, in other words talk to your readers instead of just talking about yourself.

Now you should know where to go to set up your blog and how to blog so that people will be excited to read what you have to say.

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