Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top Three Ways To Make Money Blogging

Blogging has become a popular way for people to try to generate some income online. Unfortunately, the vast majority of bloggers fail to make a decent amount of money for all the work and effort put into maintaining their blogs. There are many things to take into account when attempting to make money blogging, and finding the best solution for an individual blog will take time and experimentation with different techniques. This article will explain the three top ways to monetize a blog.

1. Direct Sales

This is by far the best approach for generating the most amount of money. A blog can and should be more than just a series of articles. Many of the top earning blogs all offer products or services in addition to what is offered for free online. Finding a specific niche that one is passionate and knowledgeable about can offer huge rewards from readers that want to learn more. A well maintained blog with quality articles can attract a loyal following that increases in numbers every month, one which will be more than willing to contribute for a quality product offered by said blog.

2. Affiliate Programs

If the blogger has no products or services to offer firsthand, then advertising another person's product for a commission is a good alternative. Just like with step one, many readers will be willing to purchase a quality product recommended by a good blog. There are a few things to keep in mind, though. Make sure that the product offered is related to what the blog is about and that it is actually something worth buying. Offering unrelated and inferior products is a quick way to lose followers and traffic.

3. Advertising

This is the one that most people will hear about and consider first. The most popular way of selling advertisements is through Google's AdSense program, in which the blogger gets paid a certain amount for each click the ads generate. This may sound like an easy way to make money, and it is, granted the blog has a high amount of traffic every month. However, therein lies the problem with this approach. Yes, having a lot of traffic is important for all three steps, but the amount paid per click is too low to be considered a realistic way of making a living by blogging.

As with most things, finding the best approach requires experimenting with and combining each of the steps above. For example, while advertising alone may not generate a decent amount of money, it can enhance the amount of money made per month by combining it with an affiliate program. Another popular enhancement for making money through a blog is to simply ask the readers for a contribution. It's simple to add a PayPal link to a website, and many would be willing to donate money to a blog that offers quality material.

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