Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Use These 6 Tips to Create A Great Blog

As with anything in life, first impressions are critical when it comes to blogs. If people arrive on your blog and don't like the look or feel of what they find there, then it's time to make a change.

Here are 6 tips on how to create a great blog that people will want to revisit, time and time again.

Sidebars need to be simple. This means no extra clutter and ideally just one sidebar. If you cannot fit everything onto the one, then go for two by all means, but think about what you need to show. Take a look at some of the blogs of the A-grade bloggers to discover how they are handling their sidebars.

White background. Some people prefer using a darker background with white text, but it has been recognised that using white with black text is actually best. This is because people are used to books and newspapers with black on white, and therefore feel more comfortable with this arrangement.

Use colours on your links. Don't force people to do things. There is nothing more likely to make people want to leave your site than to force them to endure videos, or to move them to a page they don't want to be on. Even pop-ups can be irritating and should be used sparingly.

Be clear about your purpose. It's key to communicate rapidly what your blog is about. Within the first few seconds a visitor should be able to tell whether they have arrived on the right page for the information that they are looking for. If you use WordPress, then make the most of the slogan field that can hold a tag that can clearly communicate what your blog is about.

Know what your blog is about yourself. What is the purpose of your blog? Is it to generate leads, to improve your credibility or to create an income stream through advertising. Whatever the purpose of your blog, you need to implement your ideas to be in line with your objective.

Navigation should be easy. Some website have such terrible navigation that it's almost impossible to find what content the blog has, let alone seek out a particular piece of content. There are various widgets and tools that can feature the most recent or most popular blog posts and these should be utilised in your sidebars. If you are suffering from navigation troubles then consider using the thesis or Genesis WordPress themes. They are easy to customise so that you can build your blog exactly as you wish it to be. Remember that the more widgets you add, the slower the blog will run, which could turn people away. Use plug-ins such as W3 Total Cache which will empty your cache so that it runs as fast as possible.

In summary, keep your blog simple, regularly updated and running fast. You'll please readers and then will continue to earn their loyalty and regular visits to your blog.

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