Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How Syndicating Your Content Grows Readership

As a blogger, one of your biggest concerns is obtaining as many high-quality readers as possible. That is how you measure the success of your blog. Writing and posting aren't enough, however. Syndicating is a critical tool for readership boosting.

Your readers can come from many different places. They don't all have to subscribe to your blog. Of course, you will want to encourage as many people as possible to subscribe to your blog because it truly benefits both of you. It benefits you because you can connect with them in all sorts of ways if they have opted in to your blog (newsletter, white paper, etc) and that gives you more opportunities to eventually turn them into paying customers. You should always encourage as much interaction from your readers as possible. It is important to make them feel that their opinions and feelings matter to you and that their feedback will be seriously considered by you for your business. Syndicating benefits your readers because they will have the opportunity to receive whatever you are giving. When it comes to syndication, people who have become loyal readers love to be alerted when your new content is being shared. It makes them feel special. People generally love to read interesting and exciting things. The more value you give them, the more loyal they will become to you.

Why syndication is effective

First of all, it is important to understand what syndication is. Syndication means that you are posting your content in a central place and then you are sharing it with many other places where it is of interest to people who you feel will get value from it and will want to interact with you and your business as a result. The syndication of your content online is the electronic version of syndicating a newspaper article to numerous papers. The concept is identical. If you carry the analogy a little further, the business directories and social media channels to which you might syndicate your blog article would be New York Times and Wall Street Journal. If you are able to syndicate your content to places online where many people will be able to read what you are posting, your opportunities to establish new connections are will be endless. Now you just need to figure out how to get there.


The easiest way to syndicate your content online is to do it yourself. It will take some time and some effort; however, it will also be well worth it. Of course, you will need a little bit of patience as well. Nothing worthwhile will happen overnight. It will take some time until you start to establish a reputation, credibility, and trustworthiness though your content. Don't worry. It will happen if your efforts are consistent and relentless.

There are many websites to which you can syndicate effectively:

Biznik: Biznik is a business directory that is actually housed on the west coast but is distributed much more widely. You will get a great deal of positive exposure for your content if you post on Biznik. As is the case with most of the business directories, there are rules to which you must adhere. Of course, those rules are there to protect you and everyone else. The content that it posted on Biznik is interesting, informative and educational.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn allows you to be a member of up to 50 groups (without paying) and that means that you can engage in discussions, post articles, ask questions, answer other people's questions, etc. LinkedIn is an extremely popular professional social media channel and, as a business person, if you aren't involved with it yet, it is strongly recommended that you join, set up a complete profile and start interacting with other people with whom you share a professional connection.

Facebook: At this point, most people are aware that Facebook is not just for personal use. Just as it is with LinkedIn, you can join groups on Facebook. You can syndicate your articles in the same way that you do to other social media channels and business directories. You should also encourage your readers to "Like" your content, which will strengthen your reputation online. For business purposes, you should establish a Fan page, which is geared more toward business.

Scribnia: You can find top-quality blogs through this website. The blogs are rated through a voting system. People vote on all blogs and will also vote on yours. With that in mind, it is very important that your blog articles are of the highest quality possible. The higher the quality of your blog articles, the better your rankings will be in the search engine pages.


Syndication is an extremely important part of the success of your business as well as the heightened exposure of your business and a tremendous boost in your business's reputation. Of course, always keep in mind that your content stands out among all of the other content that is posted and syndicated on the web. Without that hook, your content will get lost in the crowd. With it, you will stand head and shoulders above the rest.

We are pleased to provide you with the insightful comments contained herein. For a free assessment of your online presence, let's have coffee.

This news article is brought to you by ATTRACTION - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Blogging for Business - What You Need to Do!

If you're planning on blogging for businesses purposes, there are quite a few things that you need to know so as to succeed. Let's take a look at a few tips and begin our journey on blogging training:

Keep your mind open

The first step in blogging training is coming up with the right content for your audience. Remember to stay within your niche and keep your blog updated with new content - all the time! Blogging for businesses purposes is no different when compared to blogging for fun. You need to attract audience who's interested in what you have to offer.

You're not alone

The key step that every blogging training program should teach you, is that of perseverance. There are plenty of other blogs out there, similar to your own and are much older than yours; therefore, they'll even be getting plenty of visitors. You would need to persevere and you'll out beat this competition in time, don't expect any miracles instantly. Check out their blogs, look at what they're doing and improvise on them, in addition to your very own ideas. After all, you're blogging for business right?

See your blog the way visitors would see it

Most blogging training programs and amateur bloggers don't look at things from the visitor's point of view. Are you giving them all they need? Or are you just giving them what you think they need? It makes a huge difference and this could be the deciding factor between your blogs success and failure. Blogging for business is a challenging, yet fun process. All you need to do is get the basics right.

Think outside the box

If you're seriously thinking of blogging for business, you would need to think outside the box. Learn to adapt to new strategies and also new sub niches under your main niche. You would need to become the authority blog on a specific subject as that's the only way to succeed. Blogging training isn't going to teach you everything, you need to explore your possibilities and discover new things yourself.

Think about your visitors and not your business

Even though your blogging for business, you need to think of your visitors rather than your business, because satisfied visitors turn into customers. Therefore, if you want to be successful at blogging for business purposes, blog for visitors!

Never Give up

Whatever happens, never give up! There will be plenty of times that not a single person is going to read a blog post; I know this could be devastating. But, you need to begin somewhere and learn the tricks of the trade in order to succeed. So, stay focused and success will be yours.

Why Anyone and Everyone Should Be Blogging

For a lot of people, writing is not something they think they're good at. It's scary to think of writing your opinions and thoughts for the public to read and, potentially, criticize. Even those who write extremely well, opening themselves up for scrutiny can be a very frightful thing. But those who decide to take the chance and let the world know their passion and opinions on a subject, blogging offers a new frontier with no limits on what they can achieve.

There are many reasons for anyone and everyone to maintain a blog. For professionals it adds credibility, for families it adds closeness, for businesses it adds reputation, and for enthusiasts it adds an outlet for passion.

Here are my top 4 reasons to blog:

1. It's a challenge that exercises creativity.

To concisely communicate through text is a daunting challenge. Taking that one step further; to continuously create great content in a consistent manner is accomplishing the near-impossible. Even if you're overly passionate about your niche, over time you will experience a bit of a road block. You will feel like there's nothing left to say.

The challenge comes when a blogger feels this way but somehow reaches down inside and comes up with something new and exciting from different angles and points of view to shed light and information on the subject. And they do it with excitement.

2. Blogging gives you a much-needed platform.

Everyone, at some point in their lives, wish they had a platform to speak from and an audience to listen. There is always a passion to share our views and always a desire for someone to genuinely want to hear them.

To blog is to take board by board and build a platform from which you can speak. And, just like Field of Dreams, if you build the platform, the listeners will come.

The amazing thing about the internet is its ability to connect people from all corners of the globe, from completely different cultures, who have the same common goals, opinions, and passions. It's these people who will join you, listen to you, cheer you on, and support you and your ideas.

Who knows; if you're good enough your blog just might change the world, or at least a few people in it.

3. You can make money blogging

This is one of the best perks about operating a successful blog. My wife and I have learned that there is a hugely untapped resource of income on the internet for anyone that has the patience, perseverance, and downright stubbornness to do it.

You can make a good supplemental income from your blog if you want to. There are a lot of people that have made a very comfortable living by simple blogging about their passions.

There are great ways to monetize a blog to supplement your income. And what better way to do that rather than selling things people to want to people who don't need them?

4. You become an expert

If you want to be known as a great fisherman, what is the best way to do it? Would you walk up to a group of people and loudly proclaim you're a great fisherman? Would you ask your friends to tell their friends how great a fisherman you are? Would you bore everyone that would listen about your fishing exploits hoping they connect the dots?

If that's the steps you take to market yourself as a fishing genius, you will probably stop getting invites to dinner parties. There is a much better way to promote yourself without sounding, looking, and feeling like you are promoting yourself. What's that secret? It's blogging.

The steps are really simple:

First, you start a blog about fishing. Second, you add great content about fishing. You provide tips about fishing that most people wouldn't think about. Third, you add pictures and videos of you catching some great fish. Fourth, you start giving advice on how to catch fish.

Before you know it, people will be asking you about fishing because they realize this is an area you are an expert in. You never had to toot your own horn, you just offered advice and those that appreciated it found it.

The blogging approach is the easiest way to solidify your position as an expert on a subject. It's a heap more expeditious than bothering everyone with narcissistic stories about what you're good at.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How To Write a Good Title - Draw Your Reader In All the Way To Your Link!

Your blog title is the first thing people see when they look at your article. Therefore writing a good headline is essential for your success. In order for one to even consider looking at your article, they often look at your title first. There are several time-tested methods you can employ when coming up with your titles. Let's look at three.

"How to" Articles

It is a known fact that "How to" articles pulls in major traffic. Most people are independent and want to know how to do things themselves.

This is why most equipment comes with instructions. "How to" articles appeals to a person ego and will keep them coming back for more. A good blog headline will answer the question "what's in it for me." People want to know if your article will be an asset or a waste of time. They will often draw this conclusion based on your blog title.

Benefits, Benefits, & more Benefits

A good blog title will let the reader know if your article will meet them at their point of need. People are very selfish and they want to know if your article will profit them or not. They will often draw their conclusion based on your headline. When you write your headline, always write it with your target audience in mind.

Examples of a blog title stating a benefit:

How to win the heart of any woman
How to pick winning lottery ticket numbers
How to build a profitable business online with no money

User Friendly Keywords

It is very important to make your keywords user friendly. It is important to do keyword research and use your keywords in your blog title for SEO purposes, however if your blog title looks boring no one is going to want to read your article. Therefore you need to spice up your blog title so your readers will click through to get to your blog. One way to do this is by using adjectives. The use of one adjective will determine whether or not your article will get read.

Examples of adjectives in blog title

How to write a killer blog post that will draw in your readers till the very last sentence
How to sponsor more reps in less time using this step by step formula


Here are some more proven blog templates that will attract readers to your blog

Who Else Wants To self-publish a book with little or no money
The Secret of getting your manuscript publish on the first try
Little Known Facts about coronary heart disease and how to avoid it

As you can see your headline can make or break your blog post. "How to" articles always make a reader clicks because it answers the "what's in it for me" question. It is important to use your keywords in your blog title but you have to make your keywords user friendly.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

How to Run a Successful Awards Program

Every year more and more organizations are using award programs to help them tap into the world of entrepreneurial innovation. Awards are a great way for companies to build their brand, establish thought leadership, ignite excitement within their organization, and gain exposure to new talent and ideas. Below are some tips on how to run the best awards program so that you gain value and meet your business goals.

Determine the Goals of Your Awards Program

What goals do you have for your awards program? Do you want to find innovative ideas? Do you want to reward excellence within your organization, clients, or business partners? Do you want to raise awareness of your business and its offerings? Do you need to generate additional revenues for your company?

Companies have varying goals for running an awards program. This can range from corporations who want to brand their company or who want to honor employee innovation. Some businesses honor their clients, or in the case of a media outlet, their readers for best use of their product or most creative idea, etc. Whatever the reason you have decided to run an awards program, make sure it meets your corporate goals.

Identify The Target Audience For the Award

Businesses need to determine who is the target audience for this award so that it will be marketed correctly. Is this technology award for engineers or a marketing award for CMOs? Make sure that the naming of the award and all the corresponding messaging uses the language of your target audience and correctly identifies them.

Getting the Word Out About Your Award

You can list your award challenge in an email newsletter and send it to your target audience. Don't have any email addresses? These can be purchased from various media outlets, associations, consulting agencies, list marketers and other places. Advertise the award competition on your social media outlets. You can create a contest page on Pinterest, tab or page on Facebook, even a video introduction on YouTube. Some businesses take out ads in publications, both online and in print. Write and issue a press release about your award competition and invite participants. Just be creative and diligent and the word about your award program will quickly reach the right audience.

After the award program, you will need to provide winners with a press release template announcing the award winners. Encourage winners to use social media to announce their win. Talk to bloggers and reporters who cover your industry and send them updates on winners.

Determine the Award Criteria

Consider the criteria for your award. Should you ask for work samples? Do you want to receive a full business plan? Will a short write up about how a software solution performs suffice over a detailed product plan? Think about the time commitment you must make in reading and sorting through all the required materials; then decide your criteria. Make sure the deliverables will distinctly help you select the winners.

Select Prize Packages

What prize would participants want to receive? Can it be a plaque or website logo? Does your prize need to have monetary value? Make sure you select a prize that will motivate people to want to enter. Often you can solicit vendors, sponsors, and business partners for prize donations. Make sure you have prizes in place before you send out a call for entries so you can include prize information in your marketing materials.

Be Clear About Details

Make sure contestants are clear about deadlines, what the important dates are, and what key deliverables are expected at each stage. If there are constraints around eligibility, make this clear right away so that you save time. Allow 4 weeks to recruit participants and 2-4 weeks for screening, judging, and computing.

Use Software to Facilitate the Awards Process

Use an awards management solution that automates the entire workflow process from call for participants through prize distribution. With a computerized solution, you will be able to get real-time information about your awards process. You can see how many submissions you have received, monitor judging progress and send nudge reminders, and automate email reminders to participants and judges. You can even solicit feedback from your team. This is particularly useful for competitions with multiple judging rounds and a large number of entries, and is a less labor-intensive way of keeping everything organized.

What Worked? What Didn't? Feedback and Analysis

Identify what worked with your awards program, and what didn't. Poll participants or send them a survey asking questions about your award process. Make sure you set up ways to track the impact of your outreach campaigns as they happen so you can adjust and put more effort into the most successful channels. Install Google Analytics on your website to track where visitors are coming from and how they are interacting with the content. Go a step further and set up conversion goals to see which sources are providing the highest number of sign ups. Use an email software program like Mailchimp to take the mystery out of your email communications with easy to understand reports illustrating open rates, click throughs, and website traffic generated.

Listen to the feedback, make improvements, and do it again! Happy Awarding!

This news article is brought to you by ASTROLOGY - where latest news are our top priority.

6 Noob Ways to Destroy Your Blog Marketing Efforts

Blog marketing suffers from the same syndrome that blogging itself suffers from: every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks they can do it, but very few of them are doing it well.

Luckily, there's an easy way to tell when your blog marketing efforts aren't quite up to par: you've had no new readers in weeks, and those you do have are about as active as lichens in the sun.

Why is Blog Marketing so Important?

Blog marketing is an essential part of any content marketing strategy, and copy writers are churning out new blogs every day. Companies pay a fortune for good blog posts, because they're an excellent way to drive traffic directly to your website, which is where customers will be spending their money!

Your blog is a platform that's yours to own and control, where you can build a community of fans and business contacts who are the lifeblood of your business.

If your comments area is a barren wasteland and your blogroll is drying up like a river in the Sahara, you're making noob mistakes!

Here are a few basic mistakes that will ruin your efforts towards fantastic blog marketing.

You're Not Making Time To Promote Your Blog

There's no point in writing a witty, informative posts if nobody knows you're writing them! You can promote your blog by putting prominent links to it on your website and Facebook page, and post some clever comments on other people's blogs to lead their readers to yours.

Your Blog Isn't Relevant To Your Business

You could be the next Hemingway and have millions of readers, but if your blog isn't promoting your business, it's not blog marketing - it's just blogging. It's great to have exposure, but to make sales, your posts need to convince readers to use your services.

You're Not Using SEO To Optimise Your Blog Marketing

SEO isn't just for articles and web copy. Try using popular keywords in your blog posts. Place links to other popular blogs on your page so that they'll track back to you, and link different posts together. It'll pay off when your blog is ranking on Google page 1!

Your Blog Has No Personality

People like reading other people! Your blog may be aimed at promoting your business, but it has to be personal and interesting. Put a photo (with a real smile, please!) and an author bio that contains some fun personal info about you. Your passion for your business is part of your personality, so share it!

You're a Negative Nancy

Is your blog filled with doom, gloom and general nastiness? Being positive is empowering and attractive, and blog marketing needs to draw readers to your cause - you won't do that by lamenting the injustices of the world all day.

You're Not Being Consistent

I've opened up posts that promise fascinating insights, only to see that the last entry was two years ago. Blog marketing requires consistent effort! You have to post daily, or at least weekly, or you'll lose readers permanently by disappearing off the map, even for a month.

If you're still unsure, or you just don't have the time for blog marketing, copy writers can take over - let a professional handle it!

This news article is brought to you by RECONNECTING - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Find the Correct Niche and Make Money Online

Freelance writers are perfectly poised to generate an income on the internet blogging. There are many excellent writers and have been in the industry for a several years. Unfortunately competency is only one side of the coin in the striving for success. The one phrase that everyone uses is, "write in the correct niche". It might seem as a simple process, but must be approached systematically.

1. Look at your own interests
The first avenue in looking for a suitable niche is to look at your own interests. This makes sense as it is much easier to write about a subject that you are passionate about, than a subject that is just a source of generating some money. It's fairly easy. Do some searches and see if your area of interest has bloggers that are making money online.

2. Find a niche that already have many bloggers who make money consistently
The next step is to find topics or niches where there are bloggers who are making money regularly. Search engines are your first line of investigation. With the correct keywords you will quickly be able to find topics that have writers making money online regularly.

3. Find a middle road between 1 and 2
The third step will involve a way of creating an acceptable medium between 1 and 2. Often your passion might to fall into a niche which does not make a lot of money online. If you have the time to built a new niche, then fine. Many people want to find a way of making money as soon as possible. Look towards the second option. Try and find a successful niche associated with your passion.

4. Make the final choice
Use the discussion in step three and make that vital decision. Once you have decided you will need to start writing. If you have decided on a niche that makes money online, there will be a number of advantages. These niches already have a large following, so you will not have to create one from scratch. What you will need to do will be to bring something different to the table. In other words, something that will define you as being different from the other writers in that subject area. As you write more content your visibility on the internet will increase.

Most bloggers who make money online are producing articles passionately in niches which have been well established. With the correct approach you too could become part of this online community. Find the niche best suited to you and blog on your interests with passion.

This news article is brought to you by FEAR OF COMMITMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

5 Places To Find Questions For Content Creation

The thought of writing and the process of thinking up what to write can be like pulling teeth for some of us. But, when someone asks a question to which you know the answer like the back of your hand... wow! You go on and on about it.

That's why, if you get stuck with content creation, answering questions is the best way to get things going. To top it off, it also feels good because you are helping people out in the process.

Ok, got it, but where do you get these questions? It's simple. Look in these places.

Support tickets or emails

Every business or publisher will have some sort of support option whether is it is a full-fledged support ticket system or simple contact form it doesn't matter. You will often find questions being repeated by different people. Pull those out and start answering them.


Believe it or not, despite all the rage of social networks, plenty of people still hang out at good old-fashioned forums that don't stalk them all over the Internet. There are forums covering all kinds of topic you can imagine. Find one or several that fit your topic and start digging for questions.

Question and Answer Sites

What better place to find question than where people are asking them? Yahoo Answers is one of them. It's also all neatly categorized and easily searched. There are other sites of course.

Among my favorites is the Stack Exchange network. They have 84 sites where people are asking and answering questions daily. The questions also tend to be better quality. So if you're looking for some medium to high level questions to break things up, this network is great.

Blog Comments

Have a favorite blog you visit often who always gets a lot of comments? Pay attention to them. A lot of times, people ask questions in comments. Depending on the blog, some authors don't even bother to answer questions asked in these comments so you can be their hero. You may not be able to link to your own blog post where you have the answers. In that case, definitely answer in the comments itself and re-purpose your answer (and the question) on your blog.

The great part about this technique, you can scope out competitor blogs and re-work their customer/reader questions for your own site.

On Your Own Property

So easily overlooked. Sometimes, putting up a simple "Ask your questions here" form on your site or blog is enough to get going. Or, if you already have an email list built up, ask your subscribers if they have any questions for you.

A few tips before you go question hunting:

Don't get sucked into the conversations and tell yourself you are 'researching'. There's a fine line between real research and wasting time.

Have pen and paper or a note taking app like Evernote open so you can jot down the questions you find. Personally, I like Evernote because you can take a screen shot and see the question in the context it's being asked with a link back to the site you found it at - for when you need to review the question later.

This news article is brought to you by MUSIC UNITED 1 - where latest news are our top priority.

12 Top Traffic Conversion Secrets for Your Blog

1. Refine your USP - Now, what is USP? That is your Unique Selling Proposition. What is unique about your product - what is making your product better and more desirable? That is your USP. You can answer this question in one or two sentences in your post.

2. Friendliness - Always sound friendly. Your sales copy must be very attractive. Your viewers must have the desire to tell their friends and family about this unique opportunity. Always avoid sounding like an infomercial.

3. Ask for help - It is always better to interact with your audience. Give them a reason to do this: Ask them for their opinion on a specific product rating. You can also ask for their response in a survey etc. By doing this you will get very useful information from them but the most important of all - they will keep thinking about your product for a longer period.

4. Simplify the offering - Do not sell four different products at the same time. Rather use four different websites to do it. It will be a big mistake if you try to offer too much at once. For major retailers this might work because they already have a brand. You are still in the process of branding yourself.

5. Leave some open space - This means that you have to prepare a sales page that is easy to read. Use wide margins. It is certainly not an offence to leave some space open. If you leave some white space open, your readers will have the chance to better focus on the copy.

6. Do not be shy to brag - If your product has a high rating and satisfied buyers, then let your buyer's brag about it for you. It is no offence to use this top traffic conversion secret for your blog. It will only be to your blog's advantage.

7. Cast with plenty of bait - Do not be shy to put out the "bait" for your offer. You can do this repeatedly. In your squeeze page and sales letter do not skimp on bait. It is always better to have too many offers. By this way, you can convert an uncertain prospect into a buyer.

8. Find problems - Sounds weird? What I mean with this is that even after your sales page is complete, you must keep thinking about any other problem that your product can solve. Ask buyers to tell you how they use the product. This will give you some very good hints of new ways to promote your product.

9. Use moderate highlighting - It is true that highlights draw visual attention. However, please, too many of it with many different colours is going to frustrate your online readers.

10. Package deals are popular - An offer with a package which includes several free items as part of the " Buy Now " deal, will definitely help to encourage buyers to think twice about it. They like free packages and the "Buy Now "limited time offer will create a sense of urgency for the buyer to act.

11. Ask for the order - This is an old sales principle and you cannot ignore it. Ask for the order and then ask again. You cannot ask too many times.

12. Say "Thank You" - Please make sure to sound gracious. A personal "Thank You" email with your order confirmation will show your appreciation to the buyer. Always be personal in your approach. Use these 12 top traffic conversion secrets to become a successful blogger.

I hope this information is helpful. If you use it correctly, your online business will definitely show improvement because you are creating a mutual trust between you and your potential prospects. Enjoy your day and please feel free to comment. Enjoy your blogging!

P.S. Please comment on my post. I will appreciate it.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Blog Posts - Does How And When You Post Matter?

When writing your blog posts, do you only write when you have something to say or do you write blog posts ahead and schedule them to go out at a later time?

Let's look at the difference...

First, let's talk about scheduling. As you know by now, I love WordPress. One of the many reasons for my very public love affair is that WordPress enables me to write my blog posts in advance and automates when they are published on my blog. I schedule them to run every Monday and Thursday to coincide with my newsletter. This works really well for me because I can schedule several weeks out and not have to stress about deadlines. This makes publishing my newsletter a more enjoyable experience. And because it's not a scramble to get it done at the last minute, I can pass much of it off to my business assistant to do, giving me more time to do other things in my business.

It Creates Loyal Readers...

If your audience knows when to expect new blog posts, they will return regularly to read them. When you have an active blog, it tends to hold your readers interest and creates loyalty.

Mucho Content...

When you write on a schedule vs. writing just when the mood strikes, it forces you to create more content, and that's the name of the game, isn't it? Nowadays the internet is a content driven entity. The more quality content you can create, the better all the way around. Not only will you be providing your readers with good stuff, you will also have lots of good content to re-purpose and re-use in a variety of ways such as; publishing your articles on the article directories, combining posts to create reports and products. You can read them to make podcasts, create videos or even expound on them to make teleseminars and webinars. That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ideas to re-purpose your content.

Writing Just When You Have Something To Say...

Random posting has it's benefits as well. When you have something you want to talk about to your readers, sometimes it comes across in a more personal way to them, which helps them to get to know you, creating that know, like and trust factor.

It's more fun...

When you write randomly, it flows better, making it more enjoyable. This creates less "reaching for something to write about." It's easier to write when you have a specific topic you want to talk about than when you are writing on a schedule. Your blog posts are more spontaneous.

So Which Is Right For You?

Only you can decide what's best for you. I will say that writing on a schedule forces you to become a better writer. When I first started blogging I wrote blog posts randomly. Because I didn't consider myself a writer (sound familiar?) even the random posts were hard to write. I would have rather gone to the dentist!

Once I started scheduling them, I was forced to write more often and on a deadline. This over time made it easier for me to write. Practice makes perfect, as they say. While my writing is far from perfect, it certainly comes easier. It's even become enjoyable.

This news article is brought to you by OUTDOORS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Importance of Having a Blog As a Freelancer

You might already know what a blog is, but do you have one? Because if you don't then you really ought to. A lot of freelancers really do miss out on a trick here, if you're one, then keep reading to discover just why you should have a blog set up sooner rather than later.

Having a blog can actually help you to build up your Freelance Business. If you don't believe me, then check out the following five reasons why a blog can really boost business.

  1. Create a Web Presence - Ideally, you would get a URL with your business or personal name in, depending how you run your freelance business, this will automatically generate an online presence. If your freelancing business is primarily online (web design, website content etc.) then having an online presence is a must! Not only does it give you an online presence, but also gives potential clients an easy way to find you.

  2. Describe and List Your Services - Your blog doesn't have to just be you having a chit chat to potential clients and fellow freelancers. It can also be a place to list services that you will do as a freelancer. It's a way in which you can tell everyone just what you are capable of and what you are happy to do. It's also somewhere that you can send potential clients when you are emailing them. Simply drop them a link in the email so they can find out exactly what you can do.

  3. Home for Your Portfolio - Again, don't limit your blog to witty posts about your life, use it as a portfolio. It's another place to send potential clients and it is somewhere that you can show off everything that you are capable of. You should also look at your blog as a portfolio, a way to show off. If you're a designer, then your blog should look amazing. If you're a writer, then your blog posts should read amazingly. If you're a video maker, then post a few video posts which should be amazing.

  4. Position Yourself as an Expert - You need to prove that you are an industry expert by making informative posts that people will find useful. You don't want to give wrong information or sound like a newbie (even if that is the case). You need to show off your knowledge so clients see you as an expert, and so that fellow freelancers see you as a go-to-guy.

  5. Networking - Use blogging as a way to network within the freelancing community. You should leave comments turned on, allow fellow freelancers to comment on what you have to say and get people talking. It will be a great way to meet new freelancers.

So simple as it is... Get a blog! End of!

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

StatPress Plug-In For WordPress

Although there are many ways to get readings for your site statistics, here I'll talk about the StatPress plug-in for WordPress.

This is used for real-time statistics, and can be used in addition to other data gathering implementation you may already be using, for example... Google Analytics.

It's easy to install and is accessible from the dashboard of WordPress for viewing many variations of visitor data coming to your site

Again, the statistic data is in real-time, so just refreshing your page after you've posted your content and shared it in locations of your choosing, you will see up to the second visitor information.

Some of the information available are:

  • Country of origin
  • browser and OS
  • pages viewed
  • site the visitor came to your site from
  • search terms that brought them to your site

I've been using the StatPress plugin for close to a year now, so I've had time to experience its functions and benefits.

There are many tabs in the WP dashboard that in addition to the featured data above, graphical charts display visitor data in multiple categories.

I particularly like the data comprised from how your visitors arrived at your site.

If you comment on other sites that allow you to leave your site information, you will see that visitors have arrived at your site from sites where you have left comments.

The links to the sites where you left your comments are also visible and clickable in the stats data.

This viewpoint lets you know that commenting on high traffic sites brings visitors to your site and you won't be guessing how they arrived there.

Another data feature that is visible, are the search terms that brought the visitor to your site.

This is the wording that the visitor entered into a search engine that brought them to a certain page of your site, also giving you the page viewed that the visitor arrived at.

This is particularly useful when your writing posts or articles and keyword research has been performed as an effort for search engine optimization.

Let it be known that this plugin works on sites and although I have some sites, I don't see a way to install it there, but that may change in the future.

Go ahead, install the StatPress plug-in for WordPress and try it out. It's a convenient statistics gathering plugin viewable from your WP dashboard.

You can locate this plugin simply by searching for StatPress for WordPress.

This news article is brought to you by REMODELING - where latest news are our top priority.

Helpful Tips For Successful Blogging

If you're planning to start a blog, look for the best free blog sites. There are many to choose from and the one you choose has much to do with your success. Don't choose a site that doesn't offer you the right tools to help you succeed. You will eventually want to pay for your own domain name, so don't worry too much about the address. What you want to focus on initially is which site will provide you with the right setup and tools.

There are many different ways to get paid for your blogging efforts. One option is to sign up for Google AdSense, where you get paid every time people click the ads that are tailored to your blogging niche. You can also sign up for affiliate marketing opportunities. There are many companies that would like to place ads on your site, and as you help them make sales, they pay you a commission of the sales prices.

You must use search engine optimization in order to get your blog seen by targeted visitors. You need to strategically place keywords within your content, titles, sub-headings, and also in your file names. You also need to use meta tags for each entry that you write. The world of SEO is vast, so there is much you can do to help your blog get seen.

We are living in a content age. You need to produce fresh content as often as you can. The rule of thumb is you update daily as much as possible. The next step is to stay consistent so that you grow your blog and retain readers at the same time.

Brainstorm so you can consistently come up with new blog topics that are relevant to your blogging niche. Research online to develop new ideas. One great technique is to find hot-topic-current-events stories that can be tied into your blogging niche naturally.

Use media to spice up your blog. Do you have pictures or videos that are relevant to your blogging niche? Make sure you're using these, as readers are always looking for great content, videos and pictures.

Blogging is a lot of fun and, if done right, can make you a nice chunk of change. It takes time to build up a blog and optimize it for the search engines. You must be consistent, and you must be patient. How successful your blog is depends largely on how ambitious you are, and how ambitious you remain. Begin your blogging adventure today, keeping these tips in mind, and enjoy a successful and rewarding experience.

This news article is brought to you by DATING ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Creating Blogs: Free Blog Internet Marketing Method

Creating blogs has recently been considered as one of the most addicting fads. A lot of people have resorted to creating blogs as an outlet for their feelings, a little online place where they can have their say on whatever bugs them or whatever makes them feel excited. Keen marketers have discovered that writing blogs is one of the best Internet marketing methods that won't cost you a dime.

Create blogs about things that interest you and are passionate about.

Let's take a look at creating blogs? Blog is a widely used term that refers to web log. Basically, a blog is an online journal for people to log various things. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and you can use it for fun or for business reasons.

Creating blogs for your Internet online business is one definite way to elevate visibility of your products and services. Here are a few ways to elevate your internet advertising when you write blogs:

Provide quality content when writing blogs.

1. Let your readers or customers know when you change something on your site. Your new products or services and affiliate sites can be well placed on your blog.

2. Always keep a log of your business strategies and plans through open writing. Your blog content can always be accessed through your archives. You want to have searchable information that could be easily accessed by anyone browsing the web, right?

3. Express your opinions, give good advice or reviews on certain services or products that are related to your business. When creating blogs the publishing is a very easy process.

4. Include quality links that will produce back links and will improve your ranking with the search engines. This could be down by putting well-written articles in your website/blog. Affiliate links could also be placed in your blog to earn more income they can be sort by joining a good affiliate merchant.

5. Have a contact form or subscribe page through the ability of blogs to retrieve comments from your blog readers. You can always learn and improve your products and services through the comments of your readers.

6. You want to connect with other writing blogs. When other online bloggers see that you have quality content in your blog, they will put you in their favorite section and that will automatically link you to their blogs.

How do we go about creating blogs? Here are several options you can make use of to take advantage of this exciting way to advertise your Internet online business.

Either you load a top blogging software or let a blog hosting service do it for you. Host services such as LiveJournal and are the most popular in the blogging world. These hosts will help you with easy instructions on how to set up and write blogs with quality content.

A great blogging software that I use is blogging to the bank, which provides loads of files for training yourself in writing blogs. I really can't say enough about their support it is second to none, they really go out of their way to help you get started. This has to be one of the best systems online today for creating blogs, so if you want to have a quality free blog all done for you check it out now.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Why Is Blogging So Popular? 5 Reasons to Start Your Own Blog

You may have already thought about starting your own blog or maybe you are new to the idea, but blogging is one of the easiest ways to get your voice heard and to potentially market yourself to a wide audience. Perez Hilton, if you are unfamiliar, is a guy who started a blog to talk about his favorite television shows and the people behind them. He started doing that and is now frequently featured in those television shows and most recently I saw him appear on an episode of Glee. He made an enjoyable life for himself from scratch by blogging.

The number one reason to start your own blog is simply that, to make money to supplement and eventually replace your regular income. Everyone has big dreams on how they could potentially rise up from their current position in life. Blogging gives you a way to do that but it won't be instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination. It takes hard work to market your website effectively so that it gets enough traffic to be profitable, research on how to monetize your website properly and a great deal of other factors as well. Not to mention that it requires you to own your own domain name and website. There are companies out there that offer blog creation services but they can sometimes be rather expensive so research should be done to find a great deal.

The second highest reason to start your own blog is to help market your other products, services or even just yourself. The blog should target a niche audience that is closely related to your product or service and posting frequent and informative blog updates will gain attention and give you some notoriety with your niche audience. Linking back to your product pages and directing traffic to your services will increase your revenue and exposure to the masses. Having multiple sources of sustainable income is the quickest way to assist you with the first goal of replacing your income with a higher web based income.

Another reason to start your own blog is because you simply have a lot of valuable information to share with the world. There are many sites out there that are actually tutorial web sites to teach their readers how to achieve a task. These websites are vastly popular because they offer a large amount of free content that is valuable to their readers. If you have the desire and knowledge to share your expertise with the world and you approach the design of your website and marketing strategy with careful consideration then you have a good chance of succeeding over time. Nothing is instantaneous of course.

Another reason to start a blog is to simply host your own writing articles so that you can reference them for future jobs as a freelance writer. Having a blog with a variety of content to showcase your skill as an author is a great addition to freelance resumes and writing websites such as eHow and other paid article sites. Writing articles for eHow can gain you a steady income over time and then you can use those articles to drive some traffic back to your blog as well effectively cross promoting your websites.

The last and final reason that you may wish to start your own blog is to start a paid membership site that requires payment in order to read content. This goes hand in hand with some of the other ideas out there but if you wish to quickly achieve a steady stream of income this is the way to go but you have to both have a niche audience that is large enough to support your goals (assume that less then 1 percent of your target audience will be converted to paying customers) and to supply enough quality content to entice them to pay. This can be a challenging task which is why most authors opt to go the route of hosting a free blog and rely on income from pay per click advertising.

I hope this gives you some insight on reasons why blogging is so popular and why you may wish to start your own blog. If you decide to start a blog then you should head over to and check out their special offer on blog creation service. For just two low payments you can get your blog domain, website, and engine set up without lifting a finger and without having to know any code what so ever. I highly recommend this service to all my readers because it is one of the best deals out there and the quality of the websites produced are superb. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Information About Blog Writing

A blog is like a personal online website where people can talk about certain issues. Quite a number of people all over the world are involved in blog writing. Truth be told, some of the blogs are very interesting and others are very boring. You will find that the interesting blogs are the ones that have many followers.

One common feature about blogs is the ability to comment on what people have said. In this world, people usually agree and disagree depending on their views on life and other issues. When you write a blog, you can be sure that there are people who will agree with your line of thought or will disagree. That is the beauty of blogging. It is another way in which people can socialize and learn from each other.

How does one start blogging?

Well, first of all, you have to know that there are a number of websites that offer blogging capabilities. Thus, you have to choose one of them. Examples of some blogging websites include (owned by Google) and WordPress. A person who wants to start blog writing can sign up with some of these websites for free.

The next thing you have to do is to know what you want to be writing about. It is always recommended that you write about something you are interested in. In this way, you will never run out of information to post on your blog. For example, if you are so interested in planes, you can blog about different aircraft and their capabilities. Write about your interests. Blogging should not be a job but a hobby; something you like doing. If you take it as a job, you may end up being frustrated.

When blog writing, you have to make sure that your grammar and spelling is perfect. As human beings, we are not perfect and we have an allowance for a few errors. However, if someone reads a blog that has many spelling and grammar mistakes after every other statement, they will not come back to read it. Therefore, strive for perfection as you write information for you blog. What you can do is to write the information on a word processor application (e.g. MS Word) which has a spell-checker. After you have ensured that what you have written is grammatically correct and there are no spelling mistakes, you can then post your information on the blog.

The importance of a blog is to share information. Thus, the way you market your blog matters a lot. With social networking websites, it is much easier to market your blog and get people who are like-minded to read what you have posted and comment on the same.

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Your Blog Is a Communication Platform

Understanding that blogs are primarily used as a communication platform is a necessary first step towards building your business on such a site! The fact is that the blogging business requires a good investment of time and patience since creating content and not making sales is the primary objective! Now the site can be used for business reasons as well but it is up to the site administrator to 'tactfully' introduce that aspect!

When building your business on a blog it is important that you always offers visitors the following 3 things, since this is what they want and expect!

Offer Information

As mentioned above creating content will be your primary objective and should be done in a way that keeps your readers satisfied! Simply stated you must maintain relevancy to the theme of your site and the interest of visitors, which should be one in the same! Now what you offer does not always need to be 'informative' as long as it does 'benefit' readers in some way! Humor is a great way to entertain people as well as offering them something more provocative or thought provoking! If you're in the blogging business to make money, product reviews are another great source of content and a terrific 'lead in' to any product offers you may make!

Offer Your Thoughts

As mentioned briefly above offering something that is thought provoking is very effective and a great way to maintain reader interest! Sharing your opinion, insight or even experience on a relevant topic forces visitors to 'regard' the subject in a whole new light! What makes this strategy so effective is the subject you write about is, or should be, something your readers already find interesting! Remember when building your business on a blog you must first capture the attention of your readers and the content you offer should do just that! Over time people will become loyal to your site and this is exactly what you will base the success of your blogging business upon!

Offer Participation

The best sites are the ones that invite comments and discussion on any topic of relevance to the central theme of the platform! If you do not allow comments you are making a huge mistake since this simply invites participation! When people like what they read, or maybe even vigorously disagree, they'll want to share their opinions while also hearing how others may feel! Here again the blogging business is about much more than just making money! It is actually based upon building a community of repeat visitors that hopefully will turn into repeat buyers as well, but earning their loyalty has to come first!

Since blogs are view primarily as a communication platform it is important maintain this function especially if you're looking to make money! When building your business as a blogger you must be mindful that visitors expectations are always met! By creating content relevant to your readers interest and offering them a 'forum' in which they can exchange ideas with like minded people, most visitors will NOT be disappointed! Even if you are in the blogging business to earn an income, maintaining the constant flow of useful information is vitally important and should be your first priority! Our discussion above focuses on the 3 things most visitors are expecting to see when they land on your site! By meeting the expectations of others in this way gives you a much better chance of building your business due to the loyalty you are developing with readers! Remember the focal point of your efforts should be in creating content your visitors enjoy which will ultimately make your marketing efforts more effective!

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

Modern Marketing Ideas That Are Sure to Expand Your Business

If you're looking to expand an existing business, or build a new one, it is definitely worth a few minutes of your valuable time to take a look at a few modern marketing ideas. The importance of marketing, regardless of the industry you're involved in, can never be emphasized or stressed enough. A business could have the best product or service ever offered, but will prove worthless without adequate marketing. This notion makes marketing an incredibly lucrative industry for both marketers and the company they represent.

The marketing world has altered immensely in recent decades and it now dependent on the internet. For a business to succeed in the contemporary market, it simply must be marketed online. Without an online marketing presence, a company in any industry is sure to fail. It's safe to say that the majority of successful modern marketing strategies concern using the internet effectively. Don't let this notion frighten you if you're not exactly a computer genius. The internet has become increasingly user-friendly and I am positive that modern marketing skills can be are acquired by even the least tech-savvy.

Blogging: A Foundation

We've all certainly performed our fair share of internet searches. When we do so, we are either interested in obtaining information or a product. Each search performed online yield thousands, if not millions, of search results. This search process unites eager consumers with product producers thousands of times every single day. This notion firmly illustrates the potential value of internet marketing.

To be clear, being located by an internet search can be very financially beneficial; especially when your content is found on the first page of the results page. In order for your business to gain search engine validity, it must possess a number of characteristics. None of these characteristics are more vital or valuable than consistent and original content. A proven, inexpensive, and efficient form of producing this content is through blogging. Although blogging is traditionally looked at as a hobby, it is actually a potent form of online marketing.

By electing to consistently blog about the products your company offers for sale or the industry in which you're involved, you dramatically boost your business's search engine validity. After establishing a respectable blog, it is vital to pursue various routes of blog or article marketing. Blogging is a potent marketing idea that also serves as a foundation for further marketing ideas!

Article Marketing

When spending the time to blog daily, it is definitely necessary to execute various traffic generating strategies. Article marketing is perhaps the most potent of these traffic producing strategies. This form of marketing is actually a relatively simple process in which a link to your blog is strategically posted in appropriate places in your articles. These articles are then circulated throughout the internet using various syndication techniques.

You will then have numerous backlinks leading back to your blog or website. These valuable backlinks will not only help your business recruit visitors from these specific places, but will add some serious bulk to your search engine value. To expand the reach of their companies modern marketers market their blogs on extremely popular social networking websites as well as within targeted blogging communities.

Article Syndication Tools

If you're already aware of article marketing, you may also be aware that this process can be annoyingly time-consuming. Luckily, there are websites that provide article syndication. The tools and services offered can post your articles to various desired websites with a link back to your blog. Time is valuable in any industry. Be sure to make the best of yours! Article syndication is one of the most efficient and effective modern that can be used to spread the word about your business!

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Do You Want a Successful Blog? Here Are My First 5 Valuable Tips For Beginner Bloggers

1. Define Your Goals

Before you start a new blog, it is very important to define your specific goals. The chance for a successful blog will definitely be better if you have a definite plan and goal with it. Are you trying to become an expert on your niche? Are you trying to promote your online business or do you only use it for fun and to share ideas with other bloggers? Your goal with your blog depends on the reason why you are starting it. It is essential to set your goals for the next three months, six months and a year from now. Then it will be possible for you to write and market your blog.

2. Know Your Audience

The content of your blog should reflect the expectations of your readers. For example, if your readers are women, then your content will differ from a blog where the readers are interested in rugby. Do not confuse your readers. Rather give them the information they eagerly want to read. By doing this you will gain reader loyalty. You can also ask your readers what they want to read.

3. Be Consistent

You want to brand your blog - your blog represents your writing style, your opinions, message and image to your readers. Make sure your content communicate this specific brand. The good thing about this is that it allows you to meet your reader's expectations. They will then visit your site on a regular basis for information about your niche. Consistency will get you more loyal readers.

4. Be Persistent

I previously mentioned this point in one of my earlier posts. It is very important to use your blog on a regular basis. What do I mean? Try to publish a post frequently. In my opinion, you can publish a new article at least twice a week. I personally try to publish every day of the week except weekends. The best way to keep loyal readers is to always give them something new and useful. Do you want a successful blog? Be persistent.

5. Be Inviting

Blogging is in a certain way nothing else then a social platform to discuss interesting facts and information with each other. This is one of its unique aspects - the social impact. Ask your readers to leave comments and respond to it. It is really worth your while to invite your readers to join a two-way conversation. The readers will feel they are needed and that you give attention to their opinions. You can also leave comments on other blogs and invite readers to visit your blog for a discussion. Always show your readers that you appreciate them. A meaningful conversation will definitely boost it.

I know these 5 valuable tips will help you to become a successful blogger. Use it to your advantage and you will own a successful blog. Remember to read my second post with another 5 very important tips that will set your blog apart from the rest. Enjoy your blogging!


This news article is brought to you by CAR-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 11, 2012

How to Blog Successfully

Choosing to make blogging your career because you want to escape a mundane job - forcing yourself to write about something that you're not interested in is as torturous as the mundane job you are running away from! To blog successfully, you have to:

1. Find your niche. The very first option that I think a blogger should write on is a topic that he/she feels passionate about and interested in. In order not to run out of inspiration for worthwhile content, you must locate an area of strength, expertise or interest to write about. Your readers must find your posts interesting, educative or entertaining enough. I mean, you have to give them a good enough reason to want to read your next post. If you love sports, for example, you may decide to write about that. The other reason I recommend that you write about something you're passionate about is because your feelings and emotion shows through your writings! If you feel indifferent to a certain subject but still write about it just for the sake of it, your readers will notice it.

2. Be consistent. If people visit your blog thrice or more without seeing any new thing, they'll naturally get the impression that you're not really serious. After all, they get fresh information from other related blogs. So why will they stick to you? It is ideal to place at least a post on your blog twice or more weekly and put something there every other day - if not a comment, and then maybe something related that you read in the news.

3. Be focused. Write on unique, relevant and helpful topics. Your content should not be too short and not too long. Between 300 and 400 words will do for a post. Don't make your readers bored. Avoid spelling errors. Be precise and straight to the point. Be interesting.

4. Be responsive. When someone drops a comment on your post, please respond. People like to be responded to and related with, especially when they are interested in what you do. It gives the impression that you care about their opinions. After all, the blog is created for them. Isn't it?

5. Don't violate copyright laws. Do not copy and past other people's contents on your blog. It is wildly wrong and must be avoided. Take your time to write your own unique articles. This makes you original and gives your reader the right impression that you know what you're doing. Come to think of it, how would you feel, if you come to my blog to find a post you placed on your site sometimes ago on it and credited to me?

This news article is brought to you by EVERYTHING ABOUT COFFEE - where latest news are our top priority.

Want to Blog? Read First

The easiest part about writing a blog is getting hold of a free account on one of the several great platforms (Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr) and start posting pieces. The hardest part, the part that makes sense and brings all hard labor to fruition is actually creating content. Content that feeds the hungry reader, makes financial sense to one who is paying the money to write and abide by the numerous (often draconian, some call it pragmatic) rules set by everybody who has a say on the matter!

The Online Writer's Dry Spell

Writing articles, PRs, blogs, creating infographics, mastering graphics editing software or making catchy videos comes easily when ideas are in abundance. Unfortunately for content creators, that is where they get stuck. It is not unheard of, neither is it uncommon. We have known of the 'writer's dry spell' from offline writers and authors who suddenly run out of inspiration and put everything on hold to book a travel to some far flung land in search of that magic that keeps their creative juices flowing.

Online writers, such as I, are not that lucky. Obviously because we do not have the luxury of calling off work or spending hard earned cash on a tour. I am sure tours, travels and escapades offer great opportunities, but as an online content creator, I must make the best of what I have at hand.

Hobbyists versus Professionals

I am not a hobbyist, but I thank The Almighty for landing me a job that involves reading and writing. I do it for a living and yet somewhere deep in me is a hobbyists that craves for the latest fiction or the recent scoop. Nothing makes my day like a controversial news. I will confess, I do not care much about the supposed moral high grounds that journalists talk about, hence I love reading articles that put egos on fire. What ensues down at the comment section is a feast for me. Call me opportunist, but I find my retreat in those tirades, foul sentences and flaring tempers and I enjoy every moment of it. The point I am trying to make here is:

Read, Read and Read some!

I thought reading would end as soon as college does. I know now that was a foolish expectation. Now I read more than I did at college! Luckily for me, I love reading. In fact, I have had myself a dozen of books in the last several months, not to mention my RSS feeds, which dutifully keeps me posted on stuff I need to know.

Tips for Online Writers

Novels, Magazines and Newspapers

If you blog professionally, you will have to read to know. Reading fiction has its benefits. First, it takes you away from the confines of your cubicle to a place where things are likely to be better than the chit-chatter of your team behind your back! You will find great ideas pouring into your head from all directions.

Plug in your iPod or whatever is that you use and start jotting down ideas on a rough sheet (notepad is fine too). Second, gather your thoughts around a topic and use what you have gathered from reading. Copying the content or spinning the entire thing is purely useless. You are cheating your client and strangulating the creative writer inside you.

You can use the 'timbre' or the 'feel' of what you were reading but never make a mistake to plagiaries content. That is a sin. That is stealing.

Read Your Competitors

Hate your competitors? Good, everybody does, and that is a good reason for you and me. I take some time off to read what others in my niches are writing. That gives an idea of the quality of content they are producing and helps me pull myself ahead of the pack.

Read and find juicy angles that your competitors might have ignored. Think about, gather facts and make a better piece than that. Your readers will love you for that and read you next time instead of your competitor.

Use the Past

Writers make mistakes as much as they do things right. Look into your past posts, look for flaws as well as good things. It is never too late to set records right, post updates or expand on past ideas that has relevance with the present.

Set a particular day of the week to reflect over past posts. Most likely, you will have plenty to write about things that you considered were long obsolete. I did that when I had to write about Google's recent algorithm updates. Most clients did not know that this was not the first time in history that website ranks were hit by changes in search engine guts and I made a killing by writing about all such past events.

Be on the Job 24 X 7

Finally, to write better (and shine at it), you will have to be on the job 24 X 7. Think what you are going to write next even when you are enjoying your cup of tea, watching the television back at home or relieving yourself in the morning!

This news article is brought to you by PRODUCT-REVIEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

7 Very Important Requirements for Starting a Successful Blog

1. Choose a Subject People are Interested In

It is a fact that the most outstanding blogs are those with an interesting topic. It will attract readers to your blog. People who are searching for interesting and valuable information must find it on your site!

2. Passion for Your Subject

You must show your passion for your specific subject by writing a lot about it. Readers will definitely detect it when you are not passionate about your subject. It is important to let them know that your subject's content is speaking from the heart!

3. Commitment

To be a successful blogger you must commit yourself to publish at least one post every day for at least 5 days a week. It will require some dedication, but it is of the utmost importance to post your blog posts on a daily basis. To build your brand in starting a successful blog, it is important to understand that it is more than just publishing a new post twice a week.

4. Time

To be a successful blogger you must realize that you have to spend some time each day publishing your posts. However, it does not stop here - you are running an online business and therefore you have to promote your blog by doing research and reading. I personally think that two hours a day will be enough. The fact is that you have to set aside the time each day to do all this.

5. A Desire to Network

Socializing is another critical component. Blogging is a social medium. There is a strong sense of interaction with one another. This is why blogs are so successful. As a successful blogger, you must take some time to respond to comments. It is very important to visit blog forums. Bloggers chat on forums on a regular basis and it is essential to take part in the discussions. You will get valuable information on how to promote your blog.

6. Creativity

Be creative with your posts. After some time you will know your readers better and it will make your decisions on how and what you are going to write much easier. You can also ask your readers what they want to read. This will make your work a little bit harder, but it will be valuable information that you can use to your readers advantage.

7. Patience

This is a very important point. You must remember that patience is one of the key factors to become successful. You are building a "relationship" between yourself and your readers and it only happens over a period. Do not give up; you will get your reward for all your hard work, passion, commitment, time, creativity and patience!

I really hope these important requirements will be of some help in starting your successful blog. Enjoy your blogging!


This news article is brought to you by HYBRID, ENERGY,EFFICIENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Income From Blogging: Easy Three Step Formula for How Bloggers Make Money

Income from Blogging? Yes! It's really possible!

So you have a blog, but if no one sees it, then your possibilities for getting that income from blogging are practically nil! First, you need to understand how Google ranks blogs. It's the page that ranks, not the whole blog itself. For example, if you're reading this on my blog, you may have typed in "income from blogging" into the Google, and the search engines begin their work.

Begin with your keyword phrase to get income from blogging...

That phrase, "income from blogging" would be the keyword phrase. After determining your target market and once you have what you want to blog about in your mind, begin by going to the free keyword search tool: You can establish a free Google account here, and the system will let you know how many people are out there searching for your keyword phrase.

If you don't use SEO tools to get your phrase to appear on the first page of Google, I would suggest you search for a low competition phrase that gets between 100 and 2000 searches per month. The "long tail" keyword phrase is easiest to rank for, which is a phase with several words. And it will also stay at the top of Google longer once you get to page one.

Income from Blogging with Social Syndication...

Many blogs, including WordPress, have an option to send through OnlyWire. This is an account that you can establish for free that will send to approximately 50 social networking sites all at once. You do, of course, need to set up accounts for each networking site within your OnlyWire account. If you don't have an auto-feed to OnlyWire through your blogging system, simply log into your OnlyWire account, click the "post" tab, and enter the permalink for your blog page (you can click "get short link" to get that), and type in a small description of what your post is about. Don't forget to enter in your keyword phrase before clicking submit! Once your accounts are set up, you can literally do this within five minutes per post.

Linking strategies for income from blogging...

The object is to get your blog page to rank on the first page of Google. When you can do this, then all those people searching for your keyword phrase will see you post, hence, free leads for you! The search engines will mostly likely see your content when you find a way to put your keyword phrase in your H1, H2, and H3 headings on the blog. (Note my headings in this post, where "income from blogging" is in all of my headings.) It's best to link all of your keyword phrases in the post to a high authority site.

How can a high authority site get you income from blogging?

Google ranks your material based on two things: relatively and popularity. When you're including your keyword phrase in the post in several pages that designates relatively. Google wants to make sure that people don't end up with something entirely different to that which they're searching for. So now your site is relative, but how can you make it popular?

You need an authority site to link to or "approve" of the page. So, if you have a high authority site you're linking to, you can do this yourself! The Alexa score will dictate how popular a site is. The lower the score, the more popular the site. For example, YouTube has an Alexa score of 3, meaning it is the third most popular site on Google. It's always a good idea to link some of your keyword phrases to a YouTube video. I also like to put YouTube videos embedded within the images on my blog page, which will cause people to stay longer on my page, which lowers my score.

Additionally, I've discovered an important secret. I link my own blog to a team blog, which has tons of traffic already with a low Alexa score. Now I have the same material in that blog post (making it relevant), and I'm linking to a site with a low Alexa score (making it popular). You can use the team blog in conjunction with your own personal blog, or even just use it by itself to promote your products or services to get massive income from blogging!

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Creating a Blog for Your Business

Blogs are a great use of providing inside information about your company to a viewer. The visitors are getting a sense of what kind of business the company offers and the kind of structure that the company has. Blogs also give a tone and voice to the company material which adds a personal factor to the company. Blogging and creating other material such as online PowerPoint's and webinars are very influential ways to maneuver the right individuals to your website and businesses practices. Having the right individuals on your site will create potential leads for business and will have them connect others to your site as well. Implementing a blog on your website will also let the various visitors comment and share the information that is being provided. This gives the visitor an active voice which will drive more commentary and therefore more interaction of the visitors on the page.

Blogging for your company needs to take a certain angle. When blogging for your site, take the role of a print publisher. The information that is being presented should be useful and non-promotional. It should be content rich without the clutter of your company name and company successes. Post blog material that will be beneficial to your visitor and that will want them to return for more information. The blog content should not include wording that only the business would understand. It will be valuable information for the visitor if they cannot understand the language. Keep the language simple that every visitor will understand. Implement more use of "blog language" that other bloggers and sites use. The customers need to be able to know what is going on and understand the content that is being presented.

In getting set up with a blog, be sure to add it as a section to your website. Make the section heading visible and clear so it can be seen by all visitors. The addition of a blog to your site will make your business more credible and unique because it adds to the discussion of the content. Provide new information automatically to the blog however many times you wish to keep it fresh and updated. The blog needs a constant turn around rate to keep the same visitors coming back and commenting on the material. It will generate more traffic to your site and will present your viewers with more "inside" knowledge and useful information.

There are other blog platforms that can be used if you do not want to implement a blog to your business website. WordPress, Typepad, Blogspot, and many others offer a blogging platform for whoever wants to start blogging. These sites can be utilized to project business strategies, successes, limitations, testimonials, and links to other such sites. You can utilize these sites any which way you want to promote your company and generate traffic. If choosing to use one of these blogging platforms, have a link available on your company's page so that all of the visitors can access the blog as well.

This news article is brought to you by BUDGET-TRAVEL - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Being a Good Blogger Requires 3 Things

Being a good blogger involves many acquired skills and chief amongst them is being able to write a blog post your readers will enjoy! Our focus here today however is going to be more on certain attributes you are going to need if your serious about getting involved in the business of blogging! Remember your blogs development will take time and the feedback you get will NOT always be what you want to hear so you'll need to be prepared for the journey ahead!

Here are 3 attributes you'll need during the course of your blogs development and even further on into the future if you intend to be successful!


The principle behind the business of blogging is to first attract readers and then over time gain their loyalty! Since time is involved in developing a loyal following it stands to reason that your blogs development will require both patience and persistence on your part! This is especially true in the early stages since it will often seem that when you do write a blog post there will be nobody to read it! This is quite natural because you are still trying to build up the awareness of your platform and therefore your traffic will be weak! Keep the faith, be patient, stay persistent and keep writing!

Thick Skin

Comments are a very important part of your blogs development since visitor participation like this is used as social proof by many new visitors! The fact is that some people read comments before they read the content and some that are left may NOT be complimentary towards your efforts! So what! You must never take any remarks left at your blog personal whether they are good or bad! Some people simply make a practice out of leaving inflammatory comments even without reading what has been posted! It is up to you as the site administrator to determine if the comments that are left are useful or constructive, if not then place them in the spam folder and move on! On the other hand you may write a blog post that somebody takes a legitimate exception to and that's all right since everybody has got an opinion! One last note here is to remember the more comments left at your site the more active it appears to new visitors which will encourage them to stay and look around!


The topic you select is the key to the people you attract and this does not happen overnight! It is therefore VITAL that your focus remains 'on target' and your blog content maintains relevance to your chosen topic! Failure to do so could easily result in the mass exodus of many 'former' loyal readers! Remember by changing topics after launching your site is much like starting over! The business of blogging is all about building a loyal following but without maintaining relevancy in what you post building loyalty will be very difficult!

Learning to be a good blogger means developing certain skills such as being able to write a blog post your target audience will enjoy! However there are many 'minor' obstacles you will encounter along the way during the course of your blogs development that will test you as a person! These obstacles are actually quite normal and will 'test' anyone involved in the business of blogging! Our discussion above focuses on 3 specific attributes you will need, especially during your blogs development, if being successful is your goal! The key to your success will ultimately be found in your ability to not take things personal and your willingness to persevere until you've established a loyal following! The point here is the business of blogging is NOT something that 'produces' instant gratification but if you stick with it, you will be glad you did!

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Why You Should Keep Your Blog Posts Short and Sweet

If you write a blog you are aware of the importance of writing so that your readers can quickly and easily understand the message. To determine if you have succeeded in keeping your blog short and easy to read there are some tools that you can use to view the readability of your blog. If you are like many writers who use Microsoft Word you are already equipped with a readability measuring tool. You can enable this helpful tool by going into the Spelling & Grammar tab and checking the boxes to check grammar with spelling and show the readability statistics. Now, every time you spell check your document you will be provided with the readability numbers.

Another way that writers can ensure the readability of their blogs is to limit the number of sentences per paragraph. It is common that most writers begin a new paragraph each time they change ideas, each paragraph should consist of no more than four sentences. This will help keep your paragraphs from running long while still getting the general idea across to the reader. Keeping your paragraphs short also keeps your reader from becoming bored with the material. People have short attention spans, as a writer you need to keep that in mind.

Keeping your words short is also a great way to increase the readability of your blog. Just because you know a longer word for cute doesn't necessarily mean you need to use it. It is recommended that you only use larger words if it is the only way you can express your thoughts and if you feel that your readers will understand it. Your blog is not a place to showcase your extensive knowledge of words; it is a place where you are trying to entertain your readers by providing them with well-written material.

Writing a blog is an excellent tool for promoting your business, as long as you use it correctly. Do not try to impress your readers with your extensive knowledge on a subject; simply provide them with the material they are interested in. This will go a long way in keeping your readers coming back for more on a regular basis. Readers enjoy being provided with current topics, this shows them that you are actively involved in discovering fresh and relevant content that will be of interest to them. If you keep the topics current and fresh your readers will look forward to visiting your website regularly simply to read your latest blog entry.

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5 Best Ways of Making Money Online

You have always wondered or heard that people do make money online. There are many ways in which you can make money online. In this article, we will tackle in great details five of those ways of making money online. Study these methods of making money then choose those, which suit you. Soon you will be on your way to making thousands of dollars.

1. Blogging: Here you only need to create your website and then share some important knowledge. Creating a website nowadays does not call for advanced knowledge. There are ready-made templates which you can adopt and then only seek the services of a hosting company. In this case, you must show a lot of competence in your chosen area. This is important because it will help you get the needed traffic to your website. When readers find valuable information, they are likely to come back for more. Now, the important part is to learn how to make money using your blog. To do this, you will put adverts on the websites. When visitors click on such adverts you will get paid by Google Ad sense and other affiliate programs.

2. Selling Products on Amazon and other related websites: Here you can register as a seller on Amazon and sell either your own products or other people's products. When you sell other people's products, you will earn commissions. At the same time, you can sell your own products. This will be actually operating an online store. Customers will order for goods, which you have listed on Once they pay for the goods, you will be required to ship the goods to them. Equally, you can arrange with Amazon so that they ship the goods for you. You deposit the products with them at the nearest Amazon center. Then whenever the goods are ordered for, Amazon will handle the shipping process.

3. Doing Freelance jobs: Working from home has never been so easy. There are many reliable sites where you can register for free and make plenty of money by writing, managing projects and doing internet research. All you need is a computer connected to a reliable internet. Many developed countries are taking most of their jobs offshore. This is because there is cheap skilled labor abroad. All the jobs, which do not require the personal presence of one the personal doing it, can be outsourced cheaply. This means the internet is the next leading frontier in doing business.

4. Playing online Games: If you are a competent player of online games like scrabble, chess and backgammon, you will be smiling all the way to the bank when you win such games. You are given freedom to make a choice with whom you will play the game. The amount of money involved is an agreement between the two players. In addition, there are also very competitive competitions whereby many players participate and prices are won.

5. Customized Products: In this case, you run your own website, which offers some customized products for sale. All you need is special software, which has tools for designing products of their own choice. A good example is the business of Design T-shirts.

This news article is brought to you by LOVE - where latest news are our top priority.

Blog Marketing - A Perfect Internet Marketing Tool

Internet marketing resources can augment brand management efforts in many ways. Indeed, they can guarantee organic traffic and rankings to the website. Ad hoc internet marketing techniques can make sense in practicality. However, when brand management and company reputation is concerned, it's imperative to rely on the proven techniques, one such technique is blog marketing. It is one of the most important and specific ways to attract customers to the website. It's true that with so options available in the market, it's daunting to identify what exact technique, specific solution and internet marketing strategy is best for your web-based business.

In practical sense, blog marketing is the most dynamic and intuitive way to magnetize and direct customers. Today, blog are the most powerful way for global as well as local businesses to effectively reach and interact with their potential customers. Blog marketing is the way to share your facts, figures, information, opinions, your expertise and your advice. Blogs are not intended to sell things online; indeed they are used for communication for branding and interacting.

The very job of your blog is to attract as much readers as possible. Moreover, they are a natural link producer if its content is informative, original and engaging. In fact, it is the best way to have back links.

Effectiveness of Blog Marketing

Blog marketing offer substantial results to the businesses and at the same time builds brand awareness and reputation. It not only captures the attention of audiences, but also builds a relationship of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation. It also increases exposure, generates quick buzz, and creates a viral message to which individual customers can respond easily as per their will. It is also renowned as an effective and responsible search engine optimization tool which can be used to significantly improve website rankings.

Blog writing

In order to create impressive impact, blog writers push the content in the blog in a smooth way; they describe the company's vision, mission, and objective, area of services, advantages of the particular product or service in a creative fashion. Blog writers are expert in SEO techniques; they write and circulate keyword rich content to attract the potential customers.

For more effectiveness, SEO blogging only needs keyword focused writing. It needs writing interesting facts so that people can enjoy reading as well as sharing with other members. In essence, blog marketing is the best option to have word out and build positive company reputation.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Where Can I Write Blogs?

How To Choose?

There are various sites on the web where you can create a blog these days. Nearly all of the websites that I often visit are very easy to use, and I find that I usually make my choice based on how easy it is to navigate around the website.

When you are choosing where to blog at, I do not necessarily recommend that you use ease of navigation as your main deciding point. If you think a certain website would be where to blog at for you, then try them out.

Keep in mind that you can always try many websites, or stop using a certain website if you do not like it.

Top 5 Blog Sites

Now I will share with you some of the sites I use to write blog in my daily blogging life. Just register with these services and begin writing, you will have lots of fun at blogging.

1. - the blog system of Google, This is one of the best of the best sites to write blog. You can setup as many blogs as you would like. Blogger also allows you to add more codes for example Google AdSense code which is very useful for making money.

Top Futures:

- The blogs will be hosted by Google at a subdomain of Blogger service enables you to point your BlogSpot subdomain to your own domain (with a fee) if you want.

- Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via Email.

- Blogger allows users to modify the Blogger template.

- Not only writing blog posts. Bloggers can add codes like Google's AdSense code as a way of generating money.

2. A greatest blog service is same as where you can create and write as many blogs as you wish. This service runs on wordpress blog platform. This service provides you with many strong features for writing blog but if you want to customize your theme as well as your blog, you need to spend some fees for that.

3. this is one of the most popular site builders on the web. also provides you with creating and writing blogs as well. It provides you with various tools, widgets to build a website, blog such as Feed reader, social widgets, AdSense widgets. But especially, you can customize your themes and edit your theme's html code.

4. If you want to create a blog which includes rich media, is perfect place. The blog service and the technology are free to use.

Customization capability is very good, and advertisements are only very seldom shown on your blog posts.

Top Futures:

- This service allows you to build a Tumblr subdomain like this

- Tumblr allows you to use your custom domain name.

- For writing a blog post, you can choose several post types: Text, Photo, Quote, Link, Video.

- Share your Tumblr blogposts in your News Feed, auto send your Tumblr blogposts to your Twitter account.

- You can write and publish posts via Email.

- Allow you to customize your themes, even revise your theme's HTML code.

5. A good blog service is same as where you can create and write as many blogs as you wish. This service runs on wordpress blog platform. This service provides you with many powerful features for writing blog but if you want to customize your theme as well as your blog, you need to spend some fees for that.

Good Luck Everyone!

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